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Applications are submitted to the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Please return your completed form, research proposal and relevant documents to Ann Marie Hickey

You will need the following documents to apply:

  • A signed application form.
  • A research proposal (click to view guidelines for your proposal).
  • Original transcripts of all third-level degrees (except University of Limerick transcripts).
  • Two signed references must be included (at least one must be an academic reference).
  • Where relevant, information on financial aid/scholarship must be included.

Applicants who do not have English as their first language must include the following additional documents with their application form:

  • English translation of your qualification(s)/transcripts
  • English language competency certificate

Full details of our English language requirements


After we receive an application, the following process begins. Applications without all the documents listed above will take longer to process. For any further queries on the application process please email:

  1. Candidate submits the application form with all documentation as listed above where the application is initially assessed to check qualifications and entry requirements
  2. The application is forwarded to the AHSS Graduate Research Centre to coordinate the application process
  3. Proposals are sent to the Faculty of AHSS for approval and signing by the Assistant Dean for Research
  4. Approved proposals are considered at the Postgraduate Research Committee on the first Tuesday of each month (except August)
  5. Once applications are approved by the Postgraduate Research Committee, candidates are informed by letter of the outcome and given instructions about registering

Relevant links:

NameDept/SchoolSupervisor(s)Thesis Title
Daniah KhayatEICDr Yianna Liatsos/Dr Sinead McDermottBlack Fatherhood in Contemporary African American Novels
Tara GiddensEICDr. Tina O’TooleInvestigating the Irish New Woman: Journalists in Media and Fiction
Alena KielEICDr. Tina O’TooleGothic Queerness and Abjection: A Comparative Study of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Thomas Harris's Hannibal Lecter Series
Tracy McAvinueEICDr. Tina O’TooleBringing down the house: Architectural feminism and challenging the ideal home space in Irish Women's writing 1922-50
Iva YatesEICProf. Meg Harper/Prof. Joseph O’ConnorThe Golden comb: a novel and critical analysis
Robert CollinsHistoryDr. Ruan O’DonnellIrish Northern Aid and the Conflict in the North of Ireland, 1970-86
Stephen GriffinHistoryDr. Richard KirwanPrinces, Agents and Friends: Count Owen O'Rourke and the Stuart Presence in Vienna, 1727-43 
Patrick MillerHistoryDr. Ruan O’DonnellEstablishing the Clan Na Gael Perspective: 1867-1889.
Holly O’FarrellHistoryDr. Roberto MazzaRace, gender and morality: British representation and response to the Middle East in the Exhibition Space 1850-1932
Barbara WattsHistoryDr Ciara Breathnach                    Searching for Celtic Cousins: Welsh, Irish and Scottish Immigrant Worker Experience in Alberta, Canada, 1880-1920
Shane CassidyIWAMDProf. Hilary MossInvestigating the impact of Neurologic Music Therapy on the spatiotemporal gait parameters and mood for adults and children who have an acquired brain injury.

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Dr Triona McCaffrey /

Dr Sylvia Murphy Tighe

An Interdisciplinary Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Role of Music and Music Therapy in Supporting Perinatal Mental Health During Pregnancy in Ireland
Hala JaberIWAMD

Prof. Helen Phelan/

Prof. Hilary   Moss

An Arts Practice Investigation of Community Music Interventions in The Context of Post-Conflict Migration, With Particular Reference to The Syrian Community in Ireland.
Lisa McLoughlinIWAMD

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Prof. Helen Phelan

The Autonomy question: An investigation of the aporia of autonomy and dependency through arts practice and social engagement.
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Prof. Shane Kilcommins

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