The Faculty of AHSS places a strong focus on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), with a commitment to social justice running across a range of our programmes, individual modules and research activities. These initiatives and new developments are lead by Assistant Dean in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for AHSS (ADEDI), Dr Maria Hickey.

Dr Maria Rieder headshot

AHSS Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion. We believe that our teaching and research is enriched and enhanced by considering diverse aspects of the topics that we teach and research, including issues pertaining to the 13 protected characteristics identified in the University of Limerick Equality and Human Rights Strategy. Our aim is to ensure that the perspectives of students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives are reflected in our curriculum. We, as academics and scholars, value the freedom we have to engage with potentially sensitive issues in the classroom where these are connected to the learning objectives of our modules and serve to enrich the learning experience of all.

The EDI work within the Faculty reflects and supports UL’s institutional strategies on Human Rights, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Faculty of Kindness

In 2024, AHSS designed and adopted a faculty EDI strategy - the Faculty of Kindness plan. A Faculty of Kindness as one that embraces a culture of care and compassion, and one that embodies an attitude of welcome, facilitating strong human connections and feelings of belonging and wellbeing among our students and staff. 

A Faculty of Kindness 

  • creates caring classrooms and work spaces that foster belonging and combat social isolation;
  • creates a culture of affirmation;
  • creates safe spaces for open communication and dialogue between all members of the Faculty community;
  • takes different perspectives into account;
  • engages with the whole person, not just with the learner or colleague, but also with their social identities and emotional sides;
  • is trauma-informed: recognises that trauma is both real and pervasive, we can’t know or assume which colleagues or students have been impacted by trauma and need to ensure that we are empathetic;
  • celebrates diversity, is curious about the stories of others;
  • eradicates stigma and cultivates inclusive thinking;
  • encourages being kind to ourselves and acting with empathy. 

Different practices, initiatives and projects were designed to help on this journey. The Faculty of Kindness plan integrates existing working groups and initiatives in the area of EDI as well as Athena Swan-related actions, and is organised into 4 pillars and work packages.

1. Athena Swan

Establish Status Quo

Implement new action plan

Evaluate progress 


2. EDI Pedagogies

Focus on students

Community of practice for Empathy

Staff training 

3. Equitable Workplace

Minding ourselves and colleagues

Flexible Workload  Training 

Career development

Career Breaks 

4. Outreach

Link with the city

Outreach to schools

Age-Friendly University

Community engagement