
Niamh [pictured above],is a postgraduate student who completed a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Politics and Sociology and a Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology.
Niamh Dillon graduated from UL with a BA in Politics and Sociology (Joint Honours) in 2016. This was followed by an MA in Sociology (Youth, Community and Social Regeneration) in January of this year. Here she talks about her time at UL:
Looking back, what did you like best about your course?
I liked being able to choose specific modules for my undergrad which I knew would prepare me for the Masters. I also found all my lecturers and tutors very approachable and helpful on both courses.
What did you like best about UL?
I think UL is increasingly becoming more inclusive and diverse which I think is extremely important.
Did you make any plans before you graduated, such as study, career or travel plans?
I applied to do my Masters before finishing the undergrad and decided to continue with a PhD while researching for my MA Dissertation.
What have you been doing since you graduated?
I have been working as a research assistant with the Hate and Hostility Research Group here in UL since finishing the MA. I also work as a tutor in the Department of Sociology. I love my job. It is definitely related to both my undergrad and my MA. I wouldn’t be able to do the job without the skills I acquired during both courses. I would love to continue in the role while completing my PhD.
Have you any future career plans?
After finishing my PhD I would ideally like to work in research and policy development in areas related to inequality and social exclusion.
Any advice for our current final year students?
You’re nearly there. The final hurdle can sometimes feel like the most difficult but try to stay focused because it will be worth it when you hear your name being called in the UCH in August.