Why did you choose this course?
When I was choosing my University, the biggest factor for me was career options after graduating. Law Plus in UL is one of few legal courses where a student can benefit from the study of an additional humanities module of their choice, but also have achieved the requisite credits to sit the New York bar exam. There are very few Universities which offer this level of opportunity - so UL was the obvious choice for me!
Describe your typical day
I am a legal technology analyst in Allen & Overy London, one of the most successful corporate law firms in the world. One word to describe my nine-months with A&O London has to be ‘diverse.’ As legal tech is so new, the work I do is extremely varied: one day I could be working closely with A&O’s clients on legal tech solutions; the next I could be training lawyers in one of A&O’s 44 offices worldwide. I have already travelled to A&O’s Brussels and Frankfurt offices, and am due to work in their offices in Sydney, Singapore, and Hong Kong this summer. This job keeps you on your toes and is anything but boring!
In what way did your course prepare you for your career?
UL’s Law Schoolhouses very sharp and innovative lecturers, many of whom are constantly on the lookout for the next big thing in the legal industry. It was this environment that inspired me to think outside of the box and try something new. One recent example of UL’s innovative offering is the adoption of Ireland’s first legal tech module. The module teaches students how to build legal tech products using Neota Logic - world leading Artificial Intelligence automation platform and alumni of Fuse, A&O tech collaboration space.
Any advice for school leavers?
To succeed in legal studies a large amount of work is required. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, the pay-off is worth it!