What made you study at UL?
I know Limerick very well because I did my undergraduate in Mary Immaculate College. One of the modules I took in first year was actually streamed from UL and then in my third year, I undertook a module in TEFL. A lot of my tutors and lecturers had mentioned and talked about UL and the courses that are on offer. When I finished my undergraduate degree, I decided I wanted to pursue a Masters. I looked into many different colleges and UL was the one that stood out to me. The course description provided really unique and engaging information about the topic. What cemented it for me was the practical teaching experience built into the teaching practice module, that experience is something I really wanted with “hands on” practical experience as opposed to doing something online where I would not get to have that opportunity. I ended up choosing UL and I am very happy with my decision.
Can you take us through a typical week on the MA programme?
Before attending my regular modules and classes throughout the week, my lecturers would often upload readings for us to go through on related topics, some of the material we definitely should read for the class and some of it was for other research we might want to do before the class. I would always do that first and then attend the modules and classes. In my spare time, I would do my own research for assignments and topics we have touched upon in class that I want to expand my knowledge on. I also do the teaching practice modules, so I had to do a lot of lesson planning for that. That is a big part of my week, gathering materials, implementing the materials during class, doing research on different aspects like corrective feedback or monitoring. I am always gaining new experiences and new information throughout the course of the programme.
What was your favourite topic or subject that you studied on the programme?
If I had to choose my favourite part of the programme, I would have to say SLA (Second Language Acquisition). We did an SLA module last semester which involved SLA, teaching practices and the pedagogy and the theories behind that. One of the main things we focused upon was learners, their attitudes, their motivation, their complexities, their individual needs and different learning styles. That was a very big part of the module.
Of course, prior to the module, I was a learner myself and I still consider myself a learner on the masters, so to focus in on that was very intriguing. It was very interesting in terms of understanding my past learning styles and what I can implement now during the course of my masters. I think this will help me become the best teacher for my current and future students.
Can you describe your experience of the programme and how it enhanced your own teaching skills?
My experience has been great and really eye opening. I chose it because I did not have as much teaching experience as some of the other students on the course might have had. To get their stories and their experience has been a great asset of the module because so many have taught overseas before or have taught different types of English. That definitely helped me in my own teaching practice because I was being introduced to different techniques and aspects of teaching that I had never considered before and never heard of before. Being allowed to observe other teachers and then having my own teaching observed and receiving feedback is extremely helpful. There is a lot of encouragement and structure given for reflection. They are always encouraging us to take pride in our own teaching skills, even as we enhance them and make them better. They are helping us build our teacher identity. We are shown so many different aspects, different teachers, different teaching styles; it is not just one specific teaching style. We are not told we have to do it one specific way. It is all about what works best for you and what fits your personal teacher identity the best.
What are the benefits and challenges of completing the MA TESOL?
I think the main benefits of this course are acquiring new knowledge, new experiences and new qualities that are required to be good teacher to assist you in entering the field of the teaching profession as well as delving deeper into critical awareness of different theories and different pedagogies that support teaching skills whether it's classroom management or timing. Actually understanding the theories and the pedagogies and being given the tools to explore those ourselves is definitely a big benefit. We now have the skills to do our own self-study and be learners again. The biggest challenge for me was definitely the workload. It is a full time masters so it is very intense in terms of workload and personal study.
You are always trying to better yourself and always trying to learn more. There is a lot of timetabling to make sure everything gets done. Making sure you have time for your studies, for your assignments, but also for yourself as well. UL is very encouraging. They always have different supports available, whether it is physical, mental health or the writing centre. You are never alone in any of the challenges that you might face. Even the lecturers, teachers and the professors are supportive.
Would you recommend the MA to others?
I would definitely recommend this programme. I have talked about it a lot with my friends and family and the people I did my undergraduate with. The staff are amazing. They are so knowledgeable and welcoming and always ready to answer questions and help whenever they can.
There are many opportunities to master your knowledge. There are many people doing the course who have 5 to 15 years of teaching experience so it is great to also learn from them. There is a chance to make great connections also with your peers, in your internships or with other facilities. The masters opens so many doors to different areas that may be unavailable with just an undergraduate degree. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to expand upon their own knowledge or gain a foothold in their own field.
What do you plan to do/have done post-graduation?
After completing the Masters, I want to go abroad, travel to different places and work as an English teacher. I will use what I've learned, broaden my knowledge and gain new experiences. The teaching practice has been great here but to be able to gain cultural experiences as well as teaching English in other countries will be great. A goal of mine is to go to Japan, so that will be my first stop.
The MA has allowed me to get in contact with people who have been there before. I plan to travel around and maybe then, I will come back to Ireland in the end and start in a language school here.