Yousef Alhassan
Thesis title: The Effects of Social Media on EFL Learners.
Supervisor(s): Dr Liam Murray and Dr Marta Giralt
Email: Yousef.Alhassan@ul.ie

Abdulmajeed Aljehani
Thesis title: Teaching Pronunciation skills in EFL classroom
Supervisor(s): Prof. Fiona Farr and Dr Elaine Riordan
Email: Abdulmajeed.Al-Jehani@ul.ie

Robyn Cuneen
Thesis Title:The Official Recognition of Irish Sign Language: Exploring Public and Political Discourse in the Construction of a Language Policy Through the Lens of Social Justice.
Supervisor(s): Dr Maria Rieder, Dr Andrew Shorten and Dr John Bosco Conama (Centre for Deaf Studies, TCD)
Email: Robyn.Cunneen@ul.ie

Gail Flanagan
Thesis title: Investigating Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) skills in the Irish technology sector: Focusing on the talk-in-interaction of Irish English speakers in international virtual teams.
Supervisor: Prof. Fiona Farr
Email: Gail.Flanagan@ul.ie

Niamh Flynn
Thesis title: English Language Support for Adult Migrant and Refugee Learners in the Irish Context: Teachers’ Experiences and Perceptions
Supervisor: Prof. Fiona Farr
Email: Niamh.M.Flynn@ul.ie

Brian Hurley
Thesis Title:A critical analysis of the discursive processes involved in the presentation and promotion of Ireland's 'Housing for All' policy.
Supervisors: Dr Henry Silke, Dr Maria Reider and Dr Donal Palcic.
Email: brian.hurley@ul.ie

Aoife Ní Mhurchú
Thesis title: 'Would you not go back to real teaching?' A corpus-based analysis of professional identity in the informal discourse of university language teachers.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Fiona Farr and Dr Elaine Riordan
Email: aoifenimhurchu@ucc.ie / aoife.nimhurchu@ul.ie

Mamobo Ogoro
Thesis title: Social representations of migrants in Ireland: A Multilevel Discursive Analysis.
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mairead Moriarty and Dr Anca Minsecu
Email: Mamobo.Ogoro@ul.ie

Emily-Anne Rennison
Thesis title: Imscrúdú ar conas mar a théann mothachtáil i bhfeidhm ar eispéireas foghlama mhúinteoirí faoi oiliúint le linn tréimhse oiliúna.
Supervisor(s): An Dr Deirdre Ní Loingsigh, Ollscoil Luimnigh agus An Dr T.J. Ó Ceallaigh, Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál.
Email: Emily.A.Rennison@mic.ul.ie

Paloma Valencia
Thesis Title: Approximations of Practice for MA TESOL Students: Optimising VLE Affordances in Teacher Education
Supervisor(s): Prof. Fiona Farr and Dr Elaine Riordan
Email: Paloma.Valencia@ul.ie