Date: Thursday, 9 November 2023
Time: 12.00 - 13.00
Contact: Deirdre Ní Loingsigh -
Location: Online MS Teams

Beyond Language Teaching Towards Language Learning Advising

Marina Mozzon-McPherson, Emerita Professor, University of Hull, United Kingdom


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This webinar examines the development of the practice of advising in language learning (ALL) and the related establishment of a distinctive role for language learning advisors (LLAs) in the context of Modern Languages in Higher Education. It firstly defines ALL, its principles and interdisciplinary contributions to the construction of reflective dialogue which lies at the heart of advising; these come, inter alia, from counselling, psychology, and coaching. Secondly, it discusses the gradual shift from two distinctive practices (language teaching and advising for language learning) to a more highly integrated academic practice which utilises intentional, skilful reflective dialogue as its distinctive professional feature for successful, sustained, learning conversations. Thirdly, it illustrates this shift through advisors’ professional development stories and their professional needs. Finally, it identifies areas for further research and professional preparation of ALL practitioners and concludes by reflecting on the challenges facing universities, and the positive contribution which ALL can make to address them.


Bio: Marina Mozzon-McPherson, Professor of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, started her academic career as language learning advis0r in 1992 at the University of Hull (UK) and continued practising advising in language learning for over 30 years. She is now Emerita Professor and continues her research through consultancies primarily focused on mindful professional practice and training in advising competences. Her research broadly embraces these specific areas of applied linguistics and language education:

• Reflective dialogue as a pedagogic and cultural mediation tool;

• Creative learning and professional spaces (multicultural, multilingual environments; virtual etc.);

• Construction of learning communities and communities of practice (face-to-face, online, in informal settings).