Date: Thursday, 9 February 2023
Time: 5pm - 6.30pm
Location: Online

Chairs: TDCÉ Postgraduate Forum

Ethnomusicologists  have  long  discussed  the  impacts  of  research  within the field, from acknowledging the shadows they cast, to the potentials of creating change from research findings through Applied  Ethnomusicology.  This  talk  introduces  a  current  research  project,  Access  Folk,  which  has  at  its  core  methods  which  actively  target  change  as  the  research  itself.  Applying  Action  Research  methods  to  a  music  context,  we  are  looking  at  the  ways  music  is  currently  practised,  identifying  the  issues  involved  and  devising  and testing methods for increasing and diversifying participating in folk singing in England. It has been essential to engage practitioners at  all  stages  of  the  research  design  and  delivery  in  order  to  make  this   work   genuinely   impactful,   and   co-production   approaches   are  an  integral  part  of  the  work.  During  this  online  session,  there  will be time to reflect on the potential for employing the methods introduced within your own research activities.

Dr  Fay  Hield  is  Senior  Lecturer  in  Music  at  The  University  of  Sheffield as well as a folk singer and director of Soundpost, a folk community music organisation.