Date: Wednesday, 2 April 2025
Time: 10:30am
Location: The Appellate Court Room

The next AHSS PhD Development Session is on ‘Record, Record, Reward: You and Your Transferable Skills. This session, given by Dr. Chris G. McInerney, Director of AHSS Transferable Skills Unit, will take place on Wednesday 2 April 2025 at 10.30am in the Appellate Court Room. The room is Located on Third floor of new library wing. Turn left after the entrance gates, continue straight until the wood staircase. Go up three flights of stairs to floor 3. Go through double doors take next right and exit area. Take the next right and walk to the end of the corridor. GL3-001 is straight ahead through the glass doors on the left.

This session, which will focus on Transferable Skills, will be of great benefit to all PhDs. It will introduce what is meant by Transferable Skills and will encourage you to recognize which of these skills you already possess. The session will then introduce a method for recording, demonstrating, and showcasing your skills, so you can ensure you receive full recognition for them. 

The session will be interactive so, if possible, bring a laptop. You are all very welcome to attend. It is also a great place to meet other AHSS Researchers and build on our AHSS PG community. To register for the meeting (in person or on Teams), please see the registration form