Date: Thursday, 30 March 2023
Time: 1.15pm
Location: Theatre 2, Irish World Academy

Dora’s   mesmerising   and   wild   stage   presence   invites   you   on   a   haunting journey of dark electro-pop, interwoven with elements of Slavic folk, brooding synths, and lavish Eastern-Asian sounds. Dora Gola expresses her songs through the medium of voice and dance. Her  movement  is  inspired  by  musical  narratives.  Dora’s  striking  voice  transmits  intimacy  using  her  native  tongue.  She  seamlessly  weaves   English   and   Polish   together   with   self-made   phonetic   vocalisations   that   are   inspired   by   indigenous   languages.   The   performance  sees  Dora  and  collaborator  Darragh  Keary  as  a  self-contained  ensemble.  The  music  looks  to  rekindle  the  connection  that has been lost between humanity and mother nature.Dora  Gola  -  multidisciplinary  artist.  A  former  graduate  of  the  BA  in Voice & Dance at the Irish World Academy, holder of a master’s degree  in  Music  Performance  from  a  University  College  Cork,  and  founder of vocal and performance school Voice Progress Lahinch.

Darragh  Keary  -  pianist,  songwriter,  composer  and  producer  who  works as a professional musician on the west coast of Ireland.