Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2024
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm
Location: Theatre 2, Irish World Academy

Presenters: Corina Marti & Doron Schleifer

Chair: Dr Yonit Kosovske

Judging by the extant body of music, one of the most important areas in medieval Italy is the Republic of Florence, which rose to prominence in the middle of the 14th century with its very own style of music and text. In this seminar we will discuss the dichotomy between the two different – but still connected – worlds that constituted the musical world of the many Jewish musicians and dance-masters who lived in Italy at the time. Alongside their elaborate polyphonic music and flashy dances, they also had a parallel musical world with the synagogue and its special music. This seminar will show how we, as performers of this music, approach this music, including the "piyutim" (Jewish liturgical poems), secular repertoire, arrangements, tuning, and instrumentations, with a special focus on the medieval hammered clavicimbalum.

Doron Schleifer is an internationally-renowned countertenor who performs with La Morra ensemble, as well as other leading ensembles throughout Europe and around the world, frequently collaborating with Corina Marti on medieval, Renaissance, and Jewish music.

Corina Marti, a virtuoso recorder player and harpsichordist, is a leading pioneer in the development of late medieval and early Renaissance keyboard instruments. She teaches at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, and is a member of the La Morra ensemble.

Admission is free and all are welcome.