This year, UL Creative Writing is supporting the 35th Limerick Literary Festival in honour of Kate O’Brien, 22nd to 24th February.The Festival has a wonderful line-up of writers: acclaimed journalist Lara Marlowe, bestselling author Louise O’Neill, award winning essayist Emilie Pine, renowned biographer Lyndall Gordon, critically acclaimed novelist David Park, no 1 bestseller Liz Nugent in conversation with Riverdance composer Bill Whelan.Also appearing will be French writer and film director Philippe Claudel, Limerick poets Jo Slade and Ciaran O’Driscoll and poet Adam Wyeth who will talk about the legacy of Limerick poet Desmond O’Grady. 'The Blank Page', in partnership with National Library of Ireland, will feature award-winning poets Martin Dyar (UL Creative Writing poet in residence) and Clodagh Beresford Dunne in conversation with Niall MacMonagle about the making of a poem.Irish novelist and academic Eilis Ni Dhuibhne will talk about the work of Kate O’Brien. On Saturday night Ann Blake’s award winning play 'The Morning after the Life Before' will be performed in Dolan’s, followed by a panel discussion. The very popular Desert Island Books event will be presented by David Park and Nadia Whiston Battersby, the late Eileen Battersby’s daughter.A highlight of the Festival is Pulitzer prize winner and internationally renowned American writer Richard Ford in conversation with Niall MacMonagle in the Lime Tree Theatre on Sunday at 2.30pm and finally the presentation of the Kate O’Brien Award for the Best Debut Novel by an Irish Female Writer.Details and booking available at: www.limerickliteraryfestival.com
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.