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Thursday, 20 March 2025

As representatives of UL's Centre for European Studies, Associate Professor Dr Sorcha de Brún and CEUROS Director Associate Professor Dr Michaela Schrage-Früh attended the launch of the Communicating Europe Initiative 2025, where Michaela gave an invited presentation on her CEI-funded project "Ageing in Ireland and the EU: Opportunities and Challenges". 

The event was hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin on 19th March and was attended by Minister of State for European Affairs and Defence, Thomas Byrne TD, as well as by representatives of several organisations whose projects received funding under last year's initiative. These included, among others, Active Retirement, the DCU Brexit Institute, Junior Achievement Ireland, and the European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland. 

The Communicating Europe initiative provides funding to voluntary organisations, civil society groups, educational bodies and Local Authorities for projects intended to deepen public awareness of the role the European Union plays in our daily lives and improve the quality and accessibility of public information on European issues, at local, regional or national level.