Image shows group of staff from CIGS posing for a photo
Taken by Maurice Gunning
Thursday, 29 September 2022

Féile Dánnerstag, the Irish-German-English poetry festival in the University of Limerick, was launched in Plassey House with a reading from the esteemed Irish language and Limerick-born poet, Gabriel Rosenstock and prize-winning translator Hans-Christian Oeser. There was also a wonderful performance given by Diane Daly of the Irish Chamber Orchestra who played Bach and an Irish air, An Chúlfhionn, in keeping with the Irish-German theme. The Directors of Féile Dánnerstag, Professor Gisela Holfter and Dr. Sorcha de Brún acknowledged the funding of Féile Dánnerstag by Foras na Gaeilge, and thanked Aonad na Gaeilge and the Centre of Irish-German Studies for their support. The reading was taking place ahead of the 19th International Conference of the Centre for Irish-German Studies.