The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Ms. Elke Büdenbender with joint founders of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, Prof Joachim Fischer and Prof Gisela Holfter
Monday, 1 November 2021

Friday 29th October

The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Ms. Elke Büdenbender joined President of Ireland Michael D Higgins and First Lady of Ireland Sabina Higgins on a visit to the University of Limerick on Friday 29th October. As part of this visit, they met with joint founders of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, Prof Joachim Fischer and Prof Gisela Holfter who provided an insight into the many facets and the richness of the Irish-German book collection, especially the recent addition of the Gottschalk collection in the Special Collections of our Glucksman Library

The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Ms. Elke Büdenbender with joint founders of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, Prof Joachim Fischer and Prof Gisela Holfter