Darina Slattery and Sadhbh O'Dwyer smiling and standing beside a projection screen that shows the title of their presentation 'An Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Inclusive Practice in Irish Higher Education: A Case Study'.
Tuesday, 24 September 2024

 AHSS postdoctoral researcher Dr. Sadhbh O’Dwyer, who is mentored by Dr Darina Slattery (School of English, Irish, and Communication) and Thomas O’Shaughnessy (Student Affairs Division), presented 'An Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Inclusive Practice in Irish Higher Education: A Case Study' at the 2nd UDL International Symposium at Maynooth University on 16 September 2024.

This research project employed an Appreciative Inquiry approach in interviews and focus groups with staff and students, as well as a campus-wide survey with staff, to examine and highlight the understanding and application of Inclusive Practice at the University of Limerick. While Sadhbh’s recent presentation at Maynooth University focussed specifically on students’ understanding of inclusive practice, all the project findings will be presented in forthcoming publications. This research was funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) of Ireland under their Programme for Access in Higher Education (PATH) Strand 4 funding stream for research on inclusion.