Friday, 14 April 2023

We’re pleased to announce the launch of the 2023 edition of The Ogham Stone, the literary journal produced by students in UL’s MA in English and MA in Creative Writing programmes.

This year's edition of the journal showcases work by UL students, staff, and alumni. It features an introduction by Sarah Moore Fitzgerald as well as guest contributions by Emily Cullen, Jack Fennell, Victoria Kennefick, Donal Ryan, and Joseph Woods.

The theme of the 2023 edition is ‘Metamorphosis.’ The stories, poems, and nonfiction in this issue explore transformations of various kinds, reflecting ‘anxieties about the fragility and mutability of identity’ as well as conveying ‘a sense of magic, tapping into new potential, [and] bending the boundaries of existence’ (to borrow a few words from Sarah’s introduction!). The artwork for this year’s edition reflects the theme.

The students have also designed a brand-new website to showcase the journal. 

A link to purchase a copy and/or download a digital version will be available on this website after the launch. 

The journal was launched as part of the annual MA Creative Writing/MA Songwriting Open mic Performance event.