Sorcha de Brún's multimodal art work: I mBolg Bhríd (Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine, 2024).
Thursday, 10 October 2024

Dr Sorcha de Brún's multimodal art and poetry piece 'i mBolg Bhríd' (In Bríd's stomach) was published in the collection Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine (editors, Shauna Gilligan and Niamh Boyce) on 1 October 2024.

The anthology of writing and art was launched in Naas Library and Cultural Centre on September 26th 2024. Sorcha wrote the poem in Irish and did the artwork surrounding the poem in Celtic calligraphy, using the festival Imbolc (St. Brigid's Day) as a starting point for the work. The multimodal work was created for those who have lost babies or children, or who have experienced infertility, and is a response to Brigid's association with fertility in the Irish tradition.