The Department of Politics and Public Administration offers MA programmes in the areas of International Studies, Peace and Development Studies, Public Administration and Law, Politics and European Studies.
Follow the links below for more details on each of the programmes.
For more information on individual modules 'View Postgraduate Modules'.
Postgraduate Programmes
Masters of Arts In Public Administration

Master of Arts In International Studies
Master of Arts In Peace and Development Studies

Master of Arts in Community Research
Community Research + Development;
Community Research + Sociology
Masters of Arts in Politics

Master of Arts in European Politics & Governance

Graduate Certificate in Public Administration and Law
Masters in European Studies

Community Engagement - Professional Diploma
Winners of the Peter Mair MA Thesis Awards
Brian Hickey
Protecting the Unprotected: Refugees, Economic Refugees, and What States Owe Them
Ben Graham
The Same but Different?
Irish Public Policy Support for a Homeowner Model of Housing Since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
Alexandros Ntousikos
Gothic Margins: Queer IR and the Politics of Sexual Transgression
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.