Phone No: 353-(0)61-233624
Email: conor.little@ul.ie
I am a Lecturer in the Department of Politics and Public Administration. My research interests include the comparative politics of climate change, political parties, political careers, and Irish politics, and I regularly supervise research projects on these topics. I initiated the Irish Policy Agendas Project (https://irishpolicyagendas.eu/) as part of the Comparative Agendas Project (https://www.comparativeagendas.net/); it focuses on the attention devoted to policy issues across a range of forums. I was awarded a PhD by the European University Institute in 2014 and before coming to Limerick, I worked at University College Dublin, Keele University, and the University of Copenhagen.
Selected Publications
Green-Pedersen, C & Little, C. 2022. The issue content of party politics in Ireland: a new perspective on the Irish party system and its development. Irish Political Studies.
Carter, N. & Little, C. 2021. Party competition on climate policy: interest groups, ideology and challenger parties in the UK and Ireland. International Political Science Review 42 (1): 16-32.
Green-Pedersen, C. & Little, C. 2021. Without enemies, without friends. Morality policies, the Roman Catholic Church, and Ireland’s ‘secular’ party system. Journal of European Public Policy.
Ladrech, R. & Little, C. 2019. Drivers of political parties’ climate policy preferences: lessons from Denmark and Ireland. Environmental Politics 28 (6): 1017-1038.
Carter, N., Little, C. & Torney, D. 2019. Climate politics in small European states. Environmental Politics 28 (6): 981-996. 6. Carter, N., Ladrech, R., Little, C. and Tsagkroni, V. 2018. Political parties and climate policy. A new approach to measuring parties’ climate policy preferences. Party Politics. 24
731-742. 7. Little, C. 2017. Intra-party policy entrepreneurship and party goals. The case of political parties’ climate policy preferences in Ireland. Irish Political Studies 32 (2): 199-223. 8. Bright, J., Döring, H. & Little, C. 2015. Ministerial importance and survival in government. Tough at the top? West European Politics 38 (3): 441-464.
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.