Phone No: 353-(0)61-234897
Email: frank.haege@ul.ie
Dr Frank M. Häge is a Senior Lecturer in Politics in the Department of Politics and Public Administration. He is a graduate of the MA in Public Policy and Management of the University of Konstanz (Germany) and received his PhD from Leiden University (The Netherlands). Before coming Limerick, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Leiden University. His research interests lie in the areas of Legislative Politics, Historical Political Economy, Political Development, and Research Methods. Geographically, his research focuses on the European Union and Western European countries, especially Germany. He has published on legislative decision-making in the Council of the European Union, inter-institutional negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council, the application of fuzzy set methods in comparative case study research, the measurement of foreign policy similarity in quantitative studies of international relations, and conflict structures in legislative politics of 19th century Germany. His dissertation on committee decision-making in the Council of the EU received prizes for best PhD thesis from the Dutch Political Science Association and the University Association for Contemporary European Studies. A revised version has been published by Routledge. His other work appeared in a variety of peer-reviewed academic journals, including the British Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Political Analysis, and West European Politics. He is an Associate Editor for Reseach and Politics and member of the editorial boards of the Journal of European Public Policy and the Journal of European Integration.
Selected Publications
Book 1. Häge, Frank M. (2013): Bureaucrats as Law-Makers: Committee Decision-Making in the EU Council of Ministers. London: Routledge. Journal articles (refereed)
2. Häge, Frank M. (2020): Allocating Political Attention in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy: The Effect of Supranational Agenda-setters. European Union Politics 21, 4: 634-656.
3. Häge, Frank M., and Nils Ringe (2020): Top-Down or Bottom-Up? The Selection of Shadow Rapporteurs in the European Parliament. European Union Politics 21, 4: 706-727.
4. Häge, Frank M., and Nils Ringe (2019): Rapporteur‐Shadow Rapporteur Networks in the European Parliament: The Strength of Small Numbers. European Journal of Political Research 58, 1: 209-235.
5. Häge, Frank M. (2019): Political Conflict in Bismarck’s Germany: An Analysis of Parliamentary Voting, 1867–1890. Party Politics 25, 2: 179-191.
6. Häge, Frank M. (2017): The Scheduling Power of the EU Council Presidency. Journal of European Public Policy 24, 5: 695-713.
7. Häge, Frank M. (2016): Political Attention in the Council of the European Union: A New Dataset of Working Party Meetings, 1995–2014. European Union Politics 17, 4: 683-703.
8. Häge, Frank M., und Simon Hug (2016): Consensus Decisions and Similarity Measures in International Organisations. International Interactions 42, 3: 503-529.
9. Häge, Frank M. (2013): Coalition-Building and Consensus in the Council of the European Union. British Journal of Political Science 43, 3: 481-504.
10. Häge, Frank M., and Daniel Naurin (2013): The Effect of Codecision on Council Decision-Making: Informalization, Politicization and Power. Journal of European Public Policy 20, 7: 953-971.
11. Häge, Frank M. (2011): Politicizing Council Decision-Making: The Effect of EP Empowerment. West European Politics 34, 1: 18-47.
12. Häge, Frank M. (2011): Choice or Circumstance? Adjusting Measures of Foreign Policy Similarity for Chance Agreement. Political Analysis 19, 3: 287-305.
13. Häge, Frank M. (2011): The European Union Policy-Making Dataset. European Union Politics 12, 3: 455-477.
14. Häge, Frank M. (2008): Who Decides in the Council of the European Union? Journal of Common Market Studies 46, 3: 533-558.
15. Schneider, Volker, and Frank M. Häge (2008): Europeanization and the Retreat of the State. Journal of European Public Policy 15, 1: 1-19.
16. Häge, Frank M. (2007): Committee Decision-Making in the Council of the European Union. European Union Politics 8, 3: 299-328.
17. Häge, Frank M. (2007): Constructivism, Fuzzy Sets, and (Very) Small- N: Revisiting the Conditions for Communicative Action. Journal of Business Research 60, 5: 512-521.
18. Häge, Frank M. (2007): The Division of Labour in Legislative Decision-Making of the Council of the European Union. Journal of Legislative Studies 13, 4: 497-516.
19. Häge, Frank M., and Michael Kaeding (2007): Reconsidering the European Parliament’s Legislative Influence: Formal vs. Informal Procedures. Journal of European Integration 29, 3: 341-361.
20. Selck, Torsten, Mark Rhinard, and Frank M. Häge (2007): The Evolution of European Legal Integration. European Journal of Law and Economics 24, 3: 187-200. Chapters in edited volumes (refereed) 1.
21. Häge, Frank M. (2021): The Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Pp. 2015-2039 in Flinn Laursen (ed.): The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapters in edited volumes 2. Häge, Frank M. (2008): Politischer Konflikt und Entscheidungsfindung im Ministerrat der Europäischen Union. In Torsten J. Selck und Tim Veen (eds.): Die Politische Ökonomie des EU-Entscheidungsprozesses: Modelle und Anwendungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 3. Häge, Frank M., und Volker Schneider (2004): Hauptachsen staatlicher Redimensionierung. Die Rolle von Europäisierung und Globalisierung. In Volker Schneider und Marc Tenbücken (eds.): Der Staat auf dem Rückzug: Die Privatisierung öffentlicher Infrastrukturen. Frankfurt: Campus. 4. Bauer, Johannes M., Frank
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.