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My research interests cover the history of economic democracy and the historical relationship between capitalism and religion. Before joining the University of Limerick I was a Hallsworth Research Fellow in Political Economy at the University of Manchester. My first book Civilising Rural Ireland: The Co-operative Movement, Development and the Nation-state, 1889–1939 examines the history of the co-operative movement and its role in Irish state-building and was published by Manchester University Press. Other publications have appeared in History of European Ideas, Journal of Social History, and Irish Studies Review. I am also a founding member of Ireland’s Solid Network and I am interested in the application of democratic principles in community development.


Selected Publications

1.Civilising Rural Ireland: The Co-operative Movement, Development and the Nation-state, 1889–1939 (Manchester, 2019)

2. 'The Irish Land Question, the International Monetary Problem, and Archbishop William Walsh, 1881-1896', Historical Journal (2022)

3. 'Money, Death, and Agency in Catholic Ireland, 1850–1921' (with Sarah Roddy), Social History (2021)

4. 'The clergy, economic democracy, and the cooperative movement in Ireland, 1880–1932', History of European Ideas (2020)

5. 'George Russell [AE], Co-operation and the State in Ireland during the First World War', Œconomia ­­– History / Methodology / Philosophy (2016)

6. 'Reframing the “Irish Question”: the role of the Irish co-operative movement in the formation of Irish nationalism, 1900–22' (2014)

7. 'Horace Plunkett, co-operation, and an Irish solution to the transnational problem of rural life, 1894–1921' in 'Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an Age of Globalisation The Euro-American World and Beyond, 1780–1914' (2018)

8. 'Histories of Public Parks in Manchester and Salford and Their Role in Cultural Policies for Everyday Participation' in 'Histories of Cultural Participation, Values and Governance' (2019)

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