Head of Department

Phone No: 353-(0)61-202635

Email: owen.worth@ul.ie


Professor Owen Worth is the Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick. He works, teaches and publishes in the wide areas of International Political Economy and Global Politics and has published on class, hegemony, resistance, political movement from both the right and left and on International Relations (IR) theory. He is course leader for the long running MA International Studies and teaches the Graduate Seminar in IR for post-graduate students within the department as well as a number of interchangeable IR/IPE/Politics undergraduate and postgraduate modules. He is the author of 4 books, a co-editor of a number of collections and has published in several journals throughout his career. He has also been a visiting academic at a number of universities across Europe and North America and has sat and continues to sit on the board of a number of networks and academic committees. He is the Managing Editor of the long-standing journal Capital & Class, which is published by Sage.

For Full Research and journal publications, book chapters, edited books see 

Owen Worth — University of Limerick (ul.ie) 

For department or research enquires contact me on owen.worth@ul.ie


Morbid Symptoms: The Global Rise of the Far Right (London: Zed Books, 2019)

Rethinking Hegemony (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015)

Resistance in the Age of Austerity: Nationalism, The Failure of the Left and the Return of God (London: Zed Books, 2013)

Hegemony, International Political Economy and Post-Communist Russia (London: Ashgate, 2005)

Most Recent Articles

‘The Great Moving Boris Show: Brexit and the Mainstreaming of the Far Right in Britain’ Globalizations, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14747731.2021.2025291?journ…  2022

’40 years of Critical Theory on International Relations’ (with Leonardo Ramos and Ernesto Vivares) Contexto Internacional 44 (1) 2022

‘Reasserting hegemonic masculinity: women’s leadership within the far-right International Affairs, 97 (2): 503-521 (2021)