About BigBlueButton (BBB)

BigBlueButton (BBB) is a virtual meeting application that allows users to use real-time audio, video and chat to communicate with online users. Additionally, it provides a presentation space, an interactive whiteboard and voting functionality. Importantly, it allows allocating students in breakout rooms so they can work in groups separately. Sessions can be recorded, although it is mainly indented for synchronous, live teaching, communication and collaboration.
BigBlueButton is available in all Brightspace sites by accessing the External tools (more in depth information available in the other documentation on this site). It can cater for groups of up to (approx) 100 participants.
BBB documentation in ITD TopDesk
Running an engaging webinar session: watch the recording for great tips on using BBB breakout rooms
Please note the new upgrade to BigBlueButton 2.4 includes the following features:
A Learning Analytics Dashboard giving lecturers live information during their classes.
Breakout rooms can now be named, and their time extended without interruption.
Webcams now have blur and background effects.
Moderator messages in chat are now highlighted bold for easier visibility.
Anonymous Polling has been added.
The mirror effect from sharing on one screen has been mitigated.
The layout manager has been improved too.
For a closer look and help learning about these new features we recommend users take a look at this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xVlp71K8pw) and this knowledge item from Blindside Solutions.