Enjoy the experience, it teaches you a little of what the world might look like after graduation but also be safe in the knowledge that you get to go back to the wonderful world of UL for a while longer when you’re done!
For Jennifer, co-op pushed her out of her comfort zone into a position in an industry which she knew very little about. She adapted quickly and learned key skills like how to work on a team and how to behave in an office environment.
Tell us a bit about yourself, what course did you study in UL, what has your career looked like to date?
I studied Law & European Studies (French and Politics) from 1998 – 2002. Following college, I was offered a job with my co-op placement which had changed from Bank of Ireland Securities Services to State Street International. While working there from 2002 – 2004, I studied for and passed my FE1 Law Society Entrance exams and took up a traineeship with A& L Goodbody Solicitors. I trained there from 2004-2007 and, on qualification, I moved to Cork and worked in Commercial Property. My career path from there has now seen me become Managing Partner of Orbitus Law LLP, a commercial legal and taxation advisory firm based in Cork and Kerry.
Tell us a bit about your co-op placement, what organisation did you work with and what year it took place?
I worked with Bank of Ireland Securities Services from May 2000 to January 2001. I had no idea what the role was going to involve but the co-op office arranged the interview for me, and I got the job! I loved my placement; I was working in funds administration (I quickly learned what that meant!) with a really good team and I was exposed to an industry I hardly knew existed. I was made to feel like a valued member of the team and given responsibility for certain areas. It taught me basic functions like working on a team, how to conduct yourself in an office and, given the time, that the conversion rate from Irish Pound to Euro was 0.787564 (the Euro had just come into existence!)
I worked in the IFSC in Dublin and really enjoyed being in that area as it was growing and expanding and getting to experience life in Dublin with some of my friends was an added bonus!
What impact did your co-op placement have on your future career?
It had a very direct impact – when I graduated from UL, I knew that I wanted to study for my FE1s examinations, but I wanted to move to Dublin and work at the same time. I applied for a job with the team that I worked with on co-op, their operation had been subsumed into State Street International, but I got a job back on the same team and I loved it! I had the flexibility to study, while also earning and enjoying Dublin life! When it came time to interview for traineeships, my experience in the Funds industry was invaluable to securing a traineeship with A & L Goodbody.
What piece of advice would you give to students going on co-op now?
Enjoy the experience, it teaches you a little of what the world might look like after graduation but also be safe in the knowledge that you get to go back to the wonderful world of UL for a while longer when you’re done!
Use the time to work in an area that you think might interest you, and you might find out that it is an area that you want to pursue after college, or it might show you that it is not for you. The practical experience gained from a co-op placement is invaluable and a critical part of your college experience.
Contact Details
Cooperative Education: +353-61-202044 | coop.info@ul.ie
Careers Services: +353-61-202451 | careers@ul.ie
School Placement: +353-61-202478 | schoolplacement@ul.ie
Cooperative Education & Careers Division,
University of Limerick
V94 T9PX
Office Location: The offices of the Cooperative Education & Careers Division are located in Room E0007 and Room E0019, in the Main Building. Visitors should come to the University main reception.