Where can I go on Global Co-op?
Every year a significant number of UL students take the plunge and do a global placement. The main destinations are France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, the UK, Malta, Japan, South America and the US.
Why consider a Global Placement?
A Global co-op offers students all the advantages of a regular co-op, and also gives them the opportunity to "see the world" and experience other cultures and work environments. It is also the best way of becoming fluent in a language. For lots of students, global co-op has provided a chance to "do something different": skiing, mountain climbing, playing for the Frankfurt hurling team! What's more, a Global co-op is an interesting addition to a CV, and can give a competitive advantage when applying for graduate jobs.
How do I apply for a Global Placement?
Registration for GoGlobal@UL is now closed to students undertaking their placement in 2025. Registration for students going in placement in 2026 will open in February 2025.
What do Global Employers need?
Global employers have different application requirements from many Irish employers. For non-English speaking countries, you may need to submit a CV and a cover letter in the appropriate language. Many global employers also want copies of written references or any relevant certificates you may have. It is very important to have any foreign language CV or cover letter checked by a native speaker before submitting it. For students going to the US, a different application procedure applies, as do application deadlines and visa requirements. Your Placement Officer will advise of any specific requirements.
What about accommodation?
While some employers can help in finding a place to live, students can experience difficulties organising suitable accommodation. It is often possible to organise temporary accommodation in local hostels until you find a more permanent base. It's a good idea to get in touch with previous co-op students, as they can often offer useful house-hunting tips.
How much will I be paid on Global Co-op?
There is no set level of pay for co-op students. Under the Erasmus+ mobility programme, the University can sometimes offer additional funding to students where the placement is located outside of your home country and within the EU. For further details, please contact: Nicole.Campbell@ul.ie
Costs of transport, accommodation, food and living expenses vary, depending on the country and city you are in. For any global placement, you will certainly need to research the specific country of your placement; a recommendation would be to bring enough money to cover your accommodation deposit and living expenses for the first eight weeks of your placement.
Contact Details
Cooperative Education: +353-61-202044 | coop.info@ul.ie
Careers Services: +353-61-202451 | careers@ul.ie
School Placement: +353-61-202478 | schoolplacement@ul.ie
Cooperative Education & Careers Division,
University of Limerick
V94 T9PX
Office Location: The offices of the Cooperative Education & Careers Division are located in Room E0007 and Room E0019, in the Main Building. Visitors should come to the University main reception.