If you are studying Equine Science, your Co-op Report must comply with the following structure:

Please note: You must also complete the  Reflective Assessment Forms, which must be submitted as part of your Placement Report.

  • You should type your report on A4 pages using single line spacing in 12- point font and allow for a right-hand margin of half an inch and a left-hand margin of one and a half inches.
  • The cover page of the report must include details such as the submission date, your name and ID number, your course, employer, employer address, the start and end dates of your placement, your supervisor and the university academic staff member who visited you. 
  • Your Co-op Report must be signed and stamped by your company supervisor. In the case where you are unable to obtain a signature and stamp, you may provide an email from the employer. The content of the report must be approved by your employer who may require you to make changes to meet with their policy on Confidential or Proprietary Information.
  • Students should be aware that the regulations regarding plagiarism also apply to Co-op Reports.

The main body of the report must include:

(a) One page summary of placement

(b) Brief history/profile of the Stud Farm/Enterprise, including details of the equine stock (number and brief pedigree of mares/stallions), nature of enterprise (breeding, boarding thoroughbred/non-thoroughbred, specialist services offered (e.g. A.I.), other specialist activities conducted at the Stud Farm (e.g. hospital, recuperation facilities), if any, farm & farmyard layout, housing etc.

(c) Organisation structure from top management down (state whether the Stud is privately or company owned), number of employees - (full-time, part-time, casual).

(d) Training and development programmes (if applicable) - focus on safety, hygiene and health, handling and care of young stock.

(e) Details of duties assigned to student - append your diary to the final report.

(f) Specialist responsibility given outside the normal/routine e.g. assigned to work with Veterinary surgeon, collection/preparation of semen for A.I., night watch for foaling, travel opportunities/sales, others.

(g) Focus on feeding policy and relevant to the particular categories of animals e.g. feeding of pregnant mares, barren mares, lactating mares, stallion(s). How did the nutritional composition and volume of food offered reflect the status of the animals? Focus on the management principles in operation to promote good health and hygiene amongst the stock, also discuss grassland and grazing management policy.

(h) From the Learning During Coop Assessment Forms section of the website, choose a minimum of four skills categories and discuss the role of Coop in developing those skills. You should write a minimum of one page per skill category. Use your Pre-Coop and Post-Coop Skills Assessment Forms as a guide; you must also include these in the appendices

(i) Evidence of innovation and enterprise in the organisation.

(j) The job and personal development.

(k) Conclusions.

(l) Appendices: Diary of activities - signed by your supervisor; drawings, maps of farm, reports, notes made, literature reviewed and copy references obtained during your employment.

Contact Details

Cooperative Education: +353-61-202044 | coop.info@ul.ie 
Careers Services: +353-61-202451 | careers@ul.ie 
School Placement: +353-61-202478 schoolplacement@ul.ie



Cooperative Education & Careers Division,
University of Limerick
V94 T9PX

Office Location: The offices of the Cooperative Education & Careers Division are located in Room E0007 and Room E0019, in the Main Building. Visitors should come to the University main reception.