Bernadette Andréosso-O’Callaghan
(2020, in press) Sustainable Development and Energy Transition in Europe and Asia, Andreosso-O’Callaghan, B., Sam Dzever, Jacques Jaussaud and Robert Taylor (eds), Wiley, ISTE Publishing: London (ISBN: 9781786305701) January
2019. “Challenges and Opportunities brought to the Chinese Economy by Brexit and the New US Administration”, with L. Morales, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 18: 2, pp. 145-71 (doi.org/10.1177/0972652719846304).
2019. “The G20 Growth Challenge in the Framework of the EU–East Asia Economic Relations”, East-Asian Economic Review, 2: 1/2, pp. 21-38 (DOI: 10.1057/s42215-019-00016-2).
2018. “The impact of Brexit on the Stock Markets of the Greater China Region”, with L. Morales, International Journal of Financial Studies, Special Issue on the Impact of Brexit on Financial Markets, 6:2, pp.51-70 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs6020051).
2018. “China and the EU: main economic issues in Trade and Investment”, in Nicolas, F. and H. Kim (eds) The European Union in Crisis – What Challenges Lie ahead and Why It Matters for Korea, (Chapter 6, pp. 173-190) Policy Analysis 18-01, KIEP: Seoul. (ISBN: 978-89-322-1731 4) December.
Andreosso-O’Callaghan, B. (2018) “The Taiwan-EU economic relationship: a channel for greater assertiveness?” in: Storm Carsten (ed) Connecting Taiwan: Participation - Integration – Impacts, Chapter 4, pp. 61-73, Routledge: London and New York (ISBN: 978-1-138-57677-3).
2016. “Economic Policy making in Asia: the Western vs Eastern legacy of philosophical and economic thought”, in: Malcolm Warner (ed) The diffusion of Western Economic Ideas in Asia, Chapter 21, pp. 377-95, Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, Routledge: London and New York (ISBN: 978-1138925243).
2016. “Chinese MNEs direct investment in the European Union in the background of the euro crisis” (with C. Dathe), in Taylor and Andreosso-O’Callaghan (eds), Emerging Asian economies and MNCs strategies”, Chapter 8, pp. 139-54, Edward Elgar: Chelthenham
2016. Asia-EU Relations – MNEs’ Responses to an Uncertain Global Business Environment -, Guest-Edited Special Issue, Introduction with Sebastian Bersick and Jacques Jaussaud, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 34(2), pp. 5-8.
Jonathan Lavelle
Almond, P., Gonzalez, M.C., Lavelle, J. & Murray, G. (2017) ‘The local in the global: regions, employment systems and multinationals’ Industrial Relations Journal, 48 (2), 115-132.
Edwards, T., Sanchez-Mangas, R., Jalette, P., Lavelle, J., & Minbaeva, D. (2016) ‘Global Standardization or National Differentiation of Performance Management Practices in Multinational Companies? A Comparison of Multinationals in Six Countries’, Journal of International Business Studies, 47 (8), 997–1021
Belizón, M.J., Gunnigle, P., Morley, M. & Lavelle, J. (2014) “Subsidiary autonomy over industrial relations in Ireland and Spain”, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 20 (3), 237-254.
Almond, P., Gonzalez Menendez, M., Gunnigle, P., Lavelle, J., Luque Balbona, D., Monaghan, S. & Murray, G. (2014) “Multinationals and regional economies: embedding the regime shoppers?” Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 20 (2), 237-253.
Almond, P., Ferner, A., Gonzalez Menendez, M., Lavelle, J., Balbona Luque, D. & Monaghan, S. (2014). Multinational corporations, Sub-national governance and Human Resources: A Cross-national comparison for Western Europe, in Richet, X., Delteil, V. and Dieuaide, P. (Eds) Strategies of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulations: European and Asian Perspectives, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer.
Deirdre O’Loughlin
O’Loughlin, D, Szmigin, I., McEachern, M., Karantinou, K., Barbosa, B. and Fernandez-Moya. M. E, Lamprinakos, G. (2017) “European Consumers and their Persistent Resilience in the Face of Austerity”, Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 45, eds. Ayelet Gneezy, Vladas Griskevicius, and Patti Williams, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research., pp. 785-786
O’Loughlin, D, Szmigin, I., McEachern, M., Karantinou, K., Barbosa, B. and Fernandez-Moya. M. E. (2017) “‘Man Thou Art Dust¹: Rites of Passage in Austere Times”, Sociology, 2017, Vol. 51(5) pp. 1050– 1066 DOI: 10.1177/0038038516633037