Maura Adshead
Adshead, M (2014) 'EU cohesion policy and multilevel governance outcomes in Ireland: How sustainable is Europeanization?'. European Urban And Regional Studies, 21 :416-431.
Bernadette Connaughton
Connaughton, B. (2016) 'Confronting interrelated Crises in the EU's Western Periphery: Steering Ireland-EU Relations back to the Centre' In: Jose M. Magone, Brigid Laffan and Christian Schweiger (eds). Core Periphery Relations in the European Union. London: Routledge.
Connaughton, B. (2015) 'Developing a Hybrid Identity? Europeanisation of Public Servants at the Continent's Far-West' In: Fritz Sager and Patrick Overeem (eds). The European Civil Servant: A Shared Administrative Identity?. London: Routledge.
Rory Costello
Costello, R and R Thomson (2016). ‘Bicameralism, nationality and party cohesion in the European Parliament’. Party Politics, 22 (6): 773-783.
Frank Häge
Häge, Frank M. (2017): The Scheduling Power of the EU Council Presidency. Journal of European Public Policy 24, 5: 695-713.
Häge, Frank M. (2016): Political Attention in the Council of the European Union: A New Dataset of Working Party Meetings, 1995-2014. European Union Politics 17, 4: 682-703.
Connor Little
Carter, N., Little, C. & Torney, D. eds. Climate politics in small European states. Environmental Politics 28 (6), 2019. (3.827, Q1 and ranked 8th in Political Science; equal contributions: 33%).
Ladrech, R. & Little, C. Drivers of political parties’ climate policy preferences: lessons from Denmark and Ireland. Environmental Politics 28 (6): 1017-1038, 2019
Carter, N., Little, C. & Torney, D. Climate politics in small European states. Environmental Politics 28 (6): 981-996, 2019
Carter, N., Ladrech, R., Little, C. & Tsagkroni, V. Political parties and climate policy. A new approach to measuring parties’ climate policy preferences. Party Politics 24 (6): 731–742, 2018.
Little, C. & D.M. Farrell. Party organization and party unity. In Scarrow, S., Webb, P. & Poguntke, T. eds. Organizing Representation: Political Parties, Representation, and Power. Oxford University Press, 2017
Kosiara-Pedersen, K. & Little, C. Environmental politics in the 2015 Danish general election. Environmental Politics 25 (3): 558-563, 2016
Little, C. Green parties in government. In Van Haute, E. ed. Green parties in Europe. Routledge, 2016
Bright, J., Döring, H. & Little, C. Ministerial importance and survival in government. Tough at the top? West European Politics 38 (3):441-464, 2015
Froio, C. & Little, C. Responsible government and representation in the Eurocrisis. In Müller-Rommel, F. & Casal Bertoa, F. eds. Party Politics and Democracy in Europe: Essays in Honour of Peter Mair. Routledge, 2016
Bolleyer, N., Little, C. & Von Nostitz, F. Implementing democratic equality in political parties. Organizational consequences in the Swedish and German Pirate parties. Scandinavian Political Studies 38 (2):158-178, 2015
Little, C. & Torney, D. Environmental challenges. In Jørgensen, K.E., Aarstad, Å.K., Laatikainen, K.V., Drieskens, E. & Tonra, B. eds. SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. Sage, 2015
David Moloney
The role of MEPs, and officials from the Council of Ministers, in shaping the EU’s response to the economic crisis in the Member States (PhD in progress)
Edward Moxon Browne
A two-way mirror: Latin American Perspectives on European Integration. In P. Winand et al (eds), The External Relations of the European Union. Oxford etc.: Peter Lang, 2015
European Studies in Irish universities. In: In G. Holfter and B. Migge (eds), Ireland in the European Eye. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2018, 371-386
The Grin of the Cheshire Cat: European Studies in Irish Universities 1974-2014. Journal Of Contemporary European Research, 11,4 (2015):359-369.
Frédéric Royall
“Do French Unemployment Organizations Matter Any More?”, French Politics, 16 (2) 2018, in press.
“From Solidarity to Disillusionment”, Studi Irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies, 7 (1), 2017, pp. 69-88.
“Resisting Austerity? The Case of the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 25 (1) 2017, pp. 73-87
2016. “Camps as the Sole Symbolic Expression of Protest: The Difficulties of Occupy in Ireland”, in Pascale Dufour, Marcos Ancelovici, and Héloïse Nez (eds). Street Politics in the Age of Austerity. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press. pp. 259–84, (with Clément Desbos).
2015. “The 2011 Indignés/Occupy Movements in France and Ireland: An Analysis of the Causes of Weak Mobilisations”, Modern and Contemporary France, 23 (3), pp. 327–50, (with Didier Chabanet).
2014. “Le Mouvement d’occupation d’espaces publics”, Études irlandaises, 39 (1), pp. 87–103, (with Clément Desbos).
2014. (eds.), From Silence to Protest: International Perspectives on Weakly Resourced Groups. London: Ashgate, (with Didier Chabanet).
2014. “From Social Movement Analysis to Contentious Politics”, in Didier Chabanet and Frédéric Royall (eds). From Silence to Protest: International Perspectives on Weakly Resourced Groups. London: Ashgate, pp. 1–18, (with Didier Chabanet).
2014. “Specific Opportunities and Pro-Unemployed Mobilizations in Ireland”, in Didier Chabanet and Frédéric Royall (eds). From Silence to Protest: International Perspectives on Weakly Resourced Groups. London: Ashgate, pp. 159–74, (with Clément Desbos).
Current research projects
European Welfare States and Addressing the Needs of the Unemployed, International Activity Challenge Fund 2017.
Democratic Capitalism and its Discontents, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (Berlin, Germany) (https://doc-research.org/en/)
Social Movements in Times of Austerity: Comparing Japan and Europe, co-submitted with Professor Bernadette Andreosso (KBS, UL), Submitted in January 2018 to International Credit Mobility.
Owen Worth
Morbid Symptoms: The Global Rise of the Far Right, Zed Books, 2018Morbid Symptoms: The Global Rise of the Far Right, Zed Books, 2019
‘The Battle of Hegemony: Resistance and neo-liberal restructuring in post-crisis Europe’, Comparative European Politics, 16 (1) 2018, 126-142
‘Whither Lexit?’ Capital and Class 41 (2) 2017, 351-357
‘Reviving Hayek’s Dream’. Globalizations 14 (1) 2017, 104-109
European Regionalism and the Left (co-edited with Gerry Strange), Manchester University Press, 2012
Richard Kirwan
Richard Kirwan (2017) 'Function in Form: Single Sheet Items and the Utility of Cheap Print in the Early Modern German University' In: Andrew Pettegree (eds). Broadsheets. Single-sheet Publishing in the First Age of Print. Leiden: Brill. [Details]
Richard Kirwan (2016) 'It’s Who You Know: Scholarly Networks in Liddel’s Helmstedt' In: Duncan Liddel (1561-1613): Networks of Polymathy and the Northern European Renaissance, Pietro Daniel Omodeo (ed.) in collaboration with Karin Friedrich. Leiden: Brill. [Details]
Kirwan, Richard (2015) 'The Risks, Rewards and Perils of Specialisation' In: Specialist Markets in the Early Modern Book World, Richard Kirwan & Sophie Mullins (eds.). Leiden: Brill.
Kirwan, Richard (2014) 'Urban Space and Academic Identity in Early Modern Germany' In: Die Erschließung des Raumes: Konstruktion, Imagination und Darstellung von Räumen und Grenzen im Barockzeitalter. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Kirwan, Richard; Mullins, Sophie (Ed.). (2015) Specialist Markets in the Early Modern Book World. Leiden: Brill.
Richard Kirwan (2018) 'The Conversion of Jacob Reihing: Academic Controversy and the Professorial Ideal in Confessional Germany'. German History, 36 (1):1-20. [DOI] [Details]
Alister Malcolm
Alistair Malcolm (2017) Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 1640-1665. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Alistair Malcolm (2016) ''Intercesor de escritores: las dedicatorias de libros a don Luis de Haro y su relación con los autores (1625-1662)' In: Rafael Valladares (eds). El mundo de un valido. Don Luis de Haro y su entorno, 1643-1661. Madrid: Marcial Pons. [Details]