David Atkinson
Atkinson, D. and C.Ramblado (2018) '‘Democratic credentials and the ‘other(s)’ in the discourse of the Spanish Partido Popular 1977-2015'. Journal Of Language And Politics.
Jean Conacher
Conacher, JE (2016) 'Transformation and Education in GDR Youth Literature: A Script Theory Approach'. International Research in Children's Literature, 9 (1):65-82.
Conacher, JE (2017) 'Adapting Hein’s 'Willenbrock': Andreas Dresen and the legacy of the GDR ‘ensemble’ tradition' In: Cronin, B; MagShamhráin, R.; Preuschoff, N (eds). Adaptation as a Collaborative Art – Process and Practice. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Conacher, JE (2017) 'Women at work: Reflections on Social Identity and the Private Self in 'Die Polizistin' (2000), 'Willenbrock' (2005) and 'Steigerlied' (2013)' In: Preece, JE;Hodgins, N (eds). Andreas Dresen. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Conacher, JE (2016) 'Language as gate-keeper of quality? Exploring Austria's English-only policy for national research funding' In: Earls, CW (eds). Multilingualism and English in Twenty-First-Century Europe. Bern: Peter Lang.
Conacher, JE; Geraghty, B. (2014) 'Migration and Language Contact' In: Geraghty, B;Conacher, JE (eds). Intercultural Contact, Language Learning and Migration. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Conacher, JE; Geraghty, B (2014) 'Migration and Contact: Community and Individual Experience' In: Geraghty, B;Conacher, JE (eds). Intercultural Contact, Language Learning and Migration. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Geraghty, B; Conacher, JE (2014) 'Conclusion' In: Geraghty, B;Conacher, JE (eds). Intercultural Contact, Language Learning and Migration. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Geraghty, B; Conacher, JE (2014) 'Introduction: Approaching Migration, Intercultural Contact and Language Learning' In: Geraghty, B;Conacher, JE (eds). Intercultural Contact, Language Learning and Migration. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Joachim Fischer
Where is Europe in Irish Education: A Plaidoyer for a Revival of European Studies in Irish Schools after Brexit. In: Paul Carmichael, Gisela Holfter (eds), Unions, Break-Ups and Special Relationships: Aspects of Irish-German-UK Relations. Irish-German Studies 15. Trier: WVT, 2022, 113-134
Irish Writers’ Responses to the Questionnaire “The European Union and its Citizens, Writers and Artists”: An Introduction. Kaleidoscope II: Europe in Ireland. https://kaleidoscope2.efacis.eu/content/introduction [2022]
Adorno and Ardnacrusha: Fascism, Nationalism and Technology in Reinhold Zickel’s Shannon Scheme Novel Strom (1940). Germanistik in Ireland: Jahrbuch der/Yearbook of the German Studies Association of Ireland (GSAI). Vol 16 (2021). Konstanz: Hartung Gorre, 2021, 201-214
Irish-German Relations within the European Union: Cultural and Language Aspects. In: Gisela Holfter (ed.), Irish-German Diplomatic Relations (1929-2019). Trier: WVT, 2020, 61-71
(with Éamon Ó Ciosáin), Irish-language Literature in Europe: A Survey of Translations and Reception Patterns in Continental Countries. In. Gisela Holfter and Bettina Migge (eds), Ireland in the European Eye. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2019, 224-255
With E. Ó Ciosáin. Irish-language literature in Europe: a survey of translations and receptions patterns in continental countries. In G. Holfter and B. Migge (eds), Ireland in the European Eye. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2018, 224-255
Joint author, K. Meenan et al., Germany: Looking in, looking out. Dublin: Institute for International and European Affairs, 2015
The GDR through Irish Eyes: Nationalism and Patriotism in Kevin Brophy’s East German Novel. In: G. Holfter, D. Byrnes, J. E. Conacher (eds), Perceptions and Perspectives: Exploring Connections between Ireland and the GDR. (Irish-German Studies 11.) Trier: WVT, 2019, 73-86
On the Specificity of Irish Travel Writing in the Nineteenth Century: Maria Frances Dickson's Journeys to the Continent and Kilkee. In: M. Corporaal and C. Morin (eds), Traveling Irishness in the Long Nineteenth Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 51-77
German Culture in Denis Johnston’s (1901-1984) Life and Work: A Synopsis. In: S. Egger (ed.) Cultural/Literary Translators: Selected Irish-German Biographies II. Trier: WVT, 2015, 30-51
Boston or Berlin? Reflections on a Topical Controversy, the Celtic Tiger and the World of Irish Studies. The Irish Review no. 48. Summer 2014, 81-95
Gisela Holfter
With B. Migge, Ireland in the European Eye: an Introduction. In G. Holfter and B. Migge (eds), Ireland in the European Eye. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2018, vii-xx
Michael Kelly
‘(De)Localizing Capital. Lines of Flight from Zola’s Mystères de Marseille’ in Richard Hibbitt (ed.) Other Capitals of the Nineteenth Century: An Alternative Mapping of Literary and Cultural Space, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 185-204.
Cinta Ramblado
Ramblado-Minero, M.C. (2016) 'Imprisonment Is a Permanent Scar: Women’s Penitentiaries in Francoist Spain' In: Maria Theresia Starzmann and John R. Roby (eds). Excavating Memory. Sites of Remembering and Forgetting. Gainesville, Florida, US: University Press of Florida.
Ramblado-Minero, C (2017) 'Buscando el pasado en el presente: Posmemoria y cultural audiovisual en la España contemporánea' In: Laia Quílez Esteve & José Carlos Rueda Laffond (eds). Posmemoria de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo. Narrativas audiovisuales y producciones culturales en el siglo XXI. Granada: Comares.
Barrie Wharton
Wharton, Barrie, 2016, Saving Spain; Building Spaniards-Mapping Morality in Contemporary Spanish Narrative in Walsh, Anne, ed. Telling Tales; Storytelling in Contemporary Spanish Narrative, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.
Wharton, Barrie, 2014, Globalism in Sport in Battersby, Paul, Siracusa, Joseph and Steger, Manfred, eds. The Sage Handbook of Globalization, London/New York: Sage.