Jennifer is the Assistant Dean International for the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences and Lecturer in Educational Research Methods with the School of Education at the University of Limerick.
Jennifer joined the University of Limerick in 2014 as a Lecturer in Educational Research Methods and has led a large range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules within the School of Education from that time. Jennifer is also the Research Strand Coordinator on the Professional Master of Education programme and has previously served as the School of Education representative on the EHS Research Ethics Committee from 2014- 2018 and Course Director for the interfaculty Bachelor of Education in Languages programme, leading this newly established programme successfully through two rounds of professional accreditation and pioneering a wide range of student mobility opportunities, academic mobility supports and funding pathways for students on the programme. Jennifer has served as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, teaching on the Erasmus Mundus Master of Adapted Physical Activity (EMMAPA) programme with the Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences (FaBeR). She also currently serves as the Academic Council Nominee on the UL Discipline Committee.
Her research interests include the impact of high-stakes assessment on teaching and learning, the role of teachers as researchers and the impact of performativity on teacher identity and agency.
Her research has been published across a variety of leading ISI journals including Educational Review, Studies in Higher Education, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, Educational Studies, Irish Educational Studies, The Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and English Teaching Practice and Critique.
Research Interests
Jennifer's research interests include pedagogy and performativity, curriculum and assessment, the impact of school culture on curriculum,poetry pedagogy and teachers as researchers. Her research has been published across a variety of leading ISI journals.
Jennifer provides research supervision in the following areas:
- The impact of assessment and performativity on teaching and learning
- Teachers as researchers
- The teaching, learning and assessment of post-primary poetry
- The place of the arts in education
- School culture and curriculum change
- Teacher agency and identity
Professional Activities
- 2007 - Advanced Scholar Award
- 2006 - J.N. Oliver Perpetual Trophy
Telephone: +353-61-213081 or 234392
Faculty Office, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.