Conducting Research in EHS: Support and Information
The EHS research committeesupports the work of all researchers across EHS. It is chaired by the Assistant Dean Research and membership of the Committee is representative of the research staff base in EHS.
Research Ethics: All research involving data from human participants is required to have ethical approval. The EHS ethics committee reviews applications monthly and further information should be accessed from the EHS ethics committee website.
Research Conduct: All research in EHS is conducted in accordance with established guidelines, standards and procedures. The links below provide information and guidance about relevant issues:
The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA guidelines)
National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland
Vancouver Guidelines on Authorship
Research Impact- The University of Limerick research impact initiative is driven by the concept of measurable impact that excellent research can have on society, culture and the economy.
Research mentorship is an important support available to researchers. While there are other types of mentorship available in UL, the EHS programme focuses on the development of research careers.
Talent Development The University is committed to ensuring that all employees are enabled to achieve their full potential through progressive development policies and practices.
Postgraduate researchers are represented by a current postgraduate research student. The postgraduate student's forum will take place every term and is an informal arena for the sharing of research experiences and raising issues which affect postgraduate research. Times of meetings will be communicated through Faculty and Course email lists.
UL Doctoral CollegeUL’s Doctoral College is responsible for the management and development of postgraduate research across the University. The College supports the academic and professional development of Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) across all areas of academia, industry and society.