Professional practice and education underpin the faculty of Education and Health Sciences programmes, and have critical relevance to the Education and Health sectors within Ireland and internationally. Teachers’ professional practice is typified by a commitment to catering for the needs of an increasing diverse group of learners, the utilisation of evidence-based pedagogies and professional collaboration with all education partners (both within the school and the wider community). Within this context there has been an increase in research focusing on innovations in teaching, learning and assessment and the broader professional context in which teachers work. This theme aims to further develop this understanding and explore its relevance to initial and continuing teacher education.
The provision of health care is highly dependent on practitioners who provide the services, whether they are students or therapists, as well as the context within which these services are provided. There is an increase in research activity relating to the provision of such care, including the education of students and practitioners; the historical context of practice; clinical decision-making and the use of evidence based practice. The studies in this theme investigate issues related to professional practice - including learning in both classrooms and in health-care settings; exploring how students and practitioners make clinical decisions; and analysis of the wider influences on the development of health practice and professions. These studies are focussed on building sustainable healthcare provision through communities of practice.
Research Centres and units:
Telephone: +353-61-213081 or 234392
Faculty Office, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.