Submission Process to EHS Research Ethics Committee
For submission to EHSREC, applicants are requested to submit an electronic copy, this can be signed electronically. Electronic signatures are acceptable and when all signatures are supplied there is no requirement for a hard copy. If all signatures are not on the electronic copy then a hard copy containing these will be necessary. The EHS Research Ethics full application form is available at EHS Research Ethics Form and the expedited ethics form can be found at Expedited EHS Research ethics form.
Electronic submissions must be submitted to ehsresearchethics@ul.ie. When submitting the application by email, please ensure that the email has the following attachments:
- Completed ethics application OR Chair's Action form (as appropriate)
- Word File containing all the associated documents that relate to the application form, e.g. subject information form (s), subject consent form(s), pre-test questionnaire, recruitment email/poster/letter etc. All these documents must be pasted into ONE word file, and not attached as individual attachments.
- Risk assessment forms for procedures being used should be attached as separate PDF files with the electronic submission.
- If the research involves children, a signed copy of the University of Limerick Child Protection Form should be attached to the hard copy of the application.
- Please note that all material relating to the application should carry the University of Limerick logo e.g. Information Sheets, Consent Forms etc.
Telephone: +353-61-213081 or 234392
Faculty Office, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.