Student Testimonials

Alexandra Cremona - Structured PhD Student Graduate Entry Medical School
The structured aspects of the PhD programme ensure an equal platform for students studying at this level, providing access to information and resources relevant to doctorate studies. The process of completing PhD studies can be very isolating; having this structured component facilitates communication, collaboration and networking across faculties for myself and my peers.
Laura Comber - Structured PhD Clinical Therapies
I have found that the EHS structured PhD programme at UL gives you the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in a diversity of areas. The core modules help to develop skills specifically related to your PhD which I found particularly useful for preparing for conferences and developing networking skills. The elective modules give you the chance to enhance your skills in both statistics and data analysis which have been invaluable as I have progressed through the programme. I think the most beneficial aspect of the structured PhD for me so far has been the sense of community, being in classes with other students at the same time point gives a sense of support and comradery. Equally the support from staff involved in the structured PhD programme is exceptional, consistently providing opportunities to further develop your PhD and always available to assist you as you progress.

Brenda O'Connell - Structured PhD Student Psychology
As I progressed straight from my undergraduate degree to this Structured PhD, for me, the most valuable component of the programme was the elective research modules. These allowed me to build on my research analysis skills, which gave me confidence in my ability to engage in quality research at this level. Additionally, during the first two years, students complete core modules with other PhD students across the faculty. This gives students the chance to develop social networks and support structures from people that are in the same boat as them. This was invaluable to me, particularly as the PhD journey is often depicted as a very lonely one. Thankfully, this has not been my experience at all and I believe this element of the programme largely contributed to that.

Rachel Clancy - Structured PhD Student Physical Education & Sport Sciences
My experiences on the sPhD have been very positive. The core and elective modules have equipped me with the knowledge and skills to execute my research, as well as providing a support network of fellow students across different disciplines. I have had the opportunity to travel to several conferences, which has facilitated dissemination of my research and networking. In addition to my supervisors having expert knowledge, they know when I need firm guidance or a push towards independence. Likewise, my office-mates are always on hand to lend advice and encouragement. Overall, my experience on the sPhD has been the right mix of challenge and enjoyment, making me confident that I will complete an impactful piece of research and advance my career.

Andrew Moynihan - Structured PhD Student Psychology
Research and modular coursework I conduct on the E.H.S Structured PhD programme contribute to my research quality, dissemination skills, and engagement opportunities with academics from a variety of backgrounds relevant to my research. Further, the range of comprehensive modules taught across various educational, clinical, and health disciplines makes this course a perfect choice for those interested in further study as a means to branch into an area of professional training. In addition, the flexible nature of the course allows me to develop and focus on key areas that are beneficial to my own career development. Participating in this course has provided me with a multitude of opportunities in this regard, both formal and informal. The E.H.S Structured PhD programme has made me a more confident and driven researcher.
Staff Testimonials

Dr. Owen Doody
As a supervisor on the EHS Structured Doctorate, my role is to oversee and guide the research undertaken by students as part for their PhD. Within the supervision process, my role is to give honest feedback and assist students to shape and refine their research topic by directing students to become an independent learner. The Structured PhD program provides excellent support for students through regular interaction with students from different disciplines and should be a positive and enjoyable experience that is of value to students by assisting them to gain the additional skills necessary for their future career.

Dr. Bríd O'Brien
When supervising students on the EHS Structured Doctorate my role is to oversee and give support and guidance regarding all aspects of the research process to students undertaking their PhD. Supervision is about providing a positive influence when facilitating students in fulfilling their research potential. This programme of study enables a student to advance their research skill and meet with other like-minded people. Supervision involves the sharing of knowledge and experience with students through regular meetings in advancing their research enabling the student in becoming an independent researcher.

Dr. Raymond Lynch
As a supervisor of a student on the EHS Structured Doctorate, as well as other doctorate students on different programmes, I have found the EHS Structured Doctorate extremely effective in supporting the completion of meaningful research. The core and research modules conducted as part of the programmes have helped pre-empt potential difficulties and obstacles faced by many Ph.D. research students. The flexibility around the elective modules taken by students on the EHS Structured Doctorate have helped scaffold knowledge and expertise in requisite areas that underpin the research study.
Dr. Norelee Kennedy
As a supervisor of students on the EHS Structured Doctorate, my role is to oversee and guide the research that the students will undertake for their PhD. Supervision for me is about ensuring that the student becomes independent as a researcher in their chosen field and that they enjoy the overall experience of the PhD. The EHS Structured Doctorate is valuable in helping students gain additional skills during their PhD to help them in their future careers and also provides excellent support for them through regular interaction with other students from different disciplines.Telephone: +353-61-213081 or 234392
Faculty Office, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.