Lecture theatre/conference from top
25 Sep 2023

Dr Rachel Murphy - Visiting Scholar, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University Belfast

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Ha'penny bridge, Dublin on clear day reflecting on the river
25 Sep 2023

European Centre for the Study of Hate co-directors present Irish Travellers' Access to Justice research to the Council of Europe Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

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r Cristian Jura ECRI and Dr Sindy Joyce ECSH Amanda Haynes
21 Sep 2023

The European Centre for the Study of Hate hosts Dr Christian Jura, bureau member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and board member of the National Council for Combatting Discrimination (NCCD) Romania.

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plassey house
21 Sep 2023

Research for the European Disability Forum

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conference room
21 Sep 2023

Ciara Breathnach elected Vice Chair of Cost Action CA22116 - The Great Leap.

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students studying in library
21 Sep 2023

New Erasmus le Gaeilge Opportunities For Students in Léann na Gaeilge.

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Darina slattery getting awarded
21 Sep 2023

Dr. Darina Slattery Receives an Outstanding Service Award from the IEEE Professional Communication Society

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Karol with others in luxembourg
19 Sep 2023

'Public History in European Historical Perspectives' Conference in Luxembourg

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Sadhbh with first year students, family and Xose Boan
14 Sep 2023

European Studies Awardee Gives Motivational Talk to First Year Students Ahead of Her Invited Trip to New Zealand

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14 Sep 2023

Erasmus Staff Mobility/Intercultural Communication in Warsaw

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