Photograph of Abaigéal Ní Dhroma and Dr Ailbhe Nic Giolla Chomhaill at the US Ambassador's Residence in Phoenix Park, Dublin.
09 Jun 2023

Fulbright scholarships awarded to Léann na Gaeilge

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Helen Kelly Holmes UL Group with PRIA
07 Jun 2023

Prof Helen Kelly-Holmes admitted to the Royal Irish Academy

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Four University of Limerick research projects seeking to tackle sustainability issues have been awarded €10,000 each following their selection at the first UL Citizens’ Assembly
31 May 2023

Success at the Citizens’ Assembly Awards

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Birds eye view of the university of limerick
30 May 2023

'A road not taken? Economic ideology and the articulation of policy alternative in Irish state economic policymaking, 1948-58

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guests and presenters at the postgraduate conference listening to Dr. Niamh Lenahan
26 May 2023

AHSS Annual Postgraduate Conference 2023

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Female student with glasses bites pen and looks stressed while looking at a laptop
22 May 2023

Managing Exam Stress: RTÉ lyric Fm Leaving Cert Music Podcast

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RTE Player logo
09 May 2023

Colleagues in the Media- Donal Ryan on The Works Presents

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glucksman library
05 May 2023

Dr Ciara Breathnach Contributes to Irish History Seminar Series

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Group of students and staff on the bus on the way to this event looking towards the camera smiling.
28 Apr 2023

Intergenerational Community Event

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AHSS PhD Development Seminars 2023, Networking at Conferences by Dr. Elaine Toomey, National University of Galway
28 Apr 2023

AHSS PhD Development Series 2023

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poster for the event
28 Apr 2023

Messages in a Bottle - UL Creative Writing hold poetry reading for poetry day

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the culture shocked logo as  well as drawings from primary school children
28 Apr 2023

Culture Shocked! exhibition featured in local media + Visits from local DEIS schools

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