Languages building
06 Dec 2021

DAAD funding success: Promoting German Studies in the UK and Ireland.

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01 Dec 2021

Presentation to ECRI Task Force on LGBTI Rights

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erasmus plus logo
01 Dec 2021

Dr Elaine Riordan, Prof. Fiona Farr and Dr. Maria Rieder have been awarded €55,000 European Mundus Design Measure

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Reports Cover
30 Nov 2021

Launch of report on LGBTI+ Parent Families in Ireland: Legal Recognition of Parent-Child Relationships

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Francis Donnelly, 3rd year Applied Languages
26 Nov 2021

Applied Languages Student Wins Scholarship for Study in Japan

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Webinar poster
26 Nov 2021

Erasmus+ European Commission World Wide webinar

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23 Nov 2021

The UL Academy for children was awarded the European Language Label Award for their FLEUIR project with the Lady Queen of Peace National School.

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Call it out event
22 Nov 2021

University of Limerick academics to present hate crime research to Oireachtas Joint Committee

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22 Nov 2021

UL Historian Interviewed in Japan's Major Daily Newspaper

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19 Nov 2021


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19 Nov 2021

Commentary on the Advocate General Preliminary Opinion in relation to the retention of data in Ireland

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Donal Ryan
18 Nov 2021

INTERVIEW – Donal Ryan: A man of so many words he even gives some away

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