The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Ms. Elke Büdenbender with joint founders of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, Prof Joachim Fischer and Prof Gisela Holfter
01 Nov 2021

German President meets founders of Centre for Irish-German Studies

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Garda Commissioner
26 Oct 2021

Graduation Ceremonies for Policing and Human Rights Programme

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26 Oct 2021

Halloween First 7 weeks playlist - F7W

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Zoom call
26 Oct 2021

Limerick Historian Gives Keynote on Emotions to Folklorists

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Student Receiving award
22 Oct 2021

European Studies student Emma Sexton wins Edward Moxon-Browne Award for Best FYP 2021

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Image shows Learning technology association logo
21 Oct 2021

Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) Seminar Series

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Image shows colleagues from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences with the award
21 Oct 2021

Athena SWAN Ireland Virtual Ceremony

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Ger Coffey Conference Slide
20 Oct 2021

A History of the Double Jeopardy Principle: From Classical Antiquity to Modern Era

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Call for papers, Teaching and Language Corpora Conference 2022.
19 Oct 2021

Call for papers, Teaching and Language Corpora Conference 2022.

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 Charles Baudelaire
18 Oct 2021

Irish Journal of French Studies

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MaMiSE logo
15 Oct 2021

Members of the Erasmus+ K2 MaMLiSE Project visit the Intercultural School of Ioannina, Greece

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