These are some of the supports available through HR Talent Development to support you on your Academic Career Development journey.
Who is this workshop for? Academics - New Assistant Professors
How long is this workshop? 1 x half day
How many times a year do we run this workshop? Once a year, at the beginning of the Academic year.
How is this workshop delivered? In person delivery
Who delivers the workshop? UL Staff. The VP Research, Research Office, Centre for Transformative Learning and HR will all contribute to this session, as well as hearing from colleagues who have experience as Assistant Professors.
What will be covered? Overview
This half day workshop is an opportunity to learn about being an Assistant Professor in UL.
- How can I build my academic career?
- What supports are available for me?
- What should I know as I get started?
- What is expected of me as an Assistant Professor?
Take the opportunity to network and meet other newly appointed Assistant Professors.
Is there a cost to attend this workshop? This workshop is run at no cost to you for your professional development. As places are limited, please only sign up if you are fully committed to attending.
How do I book? For details of upcoming training opportunities see our events calendar UL Connect or to book your next course email HRtalentdevelopment@ul.ie
Cancellation Policy: Attendees are asked to cancel at least 72 hours in advance to allow someone else take the place.
Who is this workshop for? Academics - Assistant Professor's
How long is this workshop? 1 x half day
How many times a year do we run this workshop? Once a year
How is this workshop delivered? In person delivery
Who delivers the workshop? Maeve Lankford, https://maevelankford.com/
What will be covered? Overview
This half day workshop is an opportunity to develop your career strategy and focuses on
- Identifying where You Want to Get to
- Developing a Success Mindset
- Being Strategic
- Being Proactive
- Developing Your Reputation and Brand
- Gaining Confidence and Support
Is there a cost to attend this workshop? An external facilitator has been engaged at no cost to you for your professional development. As places are limited, please only sign up if you are fully committed to attending.
How do I book? For details of upcoming training opportunities see our events calendar UL Connect or to book your next course email HRtalentdevelopment@ul.ie
Cancellation Policy: Attendees are asked to cancel at least 72 hours in advance to allow someone else take the place.
Who is this workshop for? Academics - Associate Professor B's
How long is this workshop? 1 x half day
How many times a year do we run this workshop? Once a year
How is this workshop delivered? In person delivery
Who delivers the workshop? Maeve Lankford, https://maevelankford.com/
What will be covered? Overview
This half day workshop is an opportunity to develop your career strategy and focuses on
- Identifying where You Want to Get to
- Developing a Success Mindset
- Being Strategic
- Being Proactive
- Developing Your Reputation and Brand
- Gaining Confidence and Support
Is there a cost to attend this workshop? An external facilitator has been engaged at no cost to you for your professional development. As places are limited, please only sign up if you are fully committed to attending.
How do I book? For details of upcoming training opportunities see our events calendar UL Connect or to book your next course email HRtalentdevelopment@ul.ie
Cancellation Policy: Attendees are asked to cancel at least 72 hours in advance to allow someone else take the place.
Who is this workshop for? Academics - Associate Professor B's
How long is this workshop? 4 x half day's plus 90min coaching
How many times a year do we run this workshop? Once a year
How is this workshop delivered? In person delivery
Who delivers the workshop? Maeve Lankford, https://maevelankford.com/ and Paddy Lavelle.
What will be covered?
Programme Aim
Are you an Associate Professor B who is looking to take the next step in your career? Do you want to further develop as a leader in your field?
This Leadership and Career Development Programme is specifically designed for Associate Professor B-level academic staff eager to elevate their careers.
This programme will support participants in developing their academic leadership intentions, as researchers, teachers, and leaders in their discipline, both within UL and beyond. They will have the opportunity to clarify their career aspirations and then develop the mindset, strategy, and skills to take them there.
Programme overview
The programme offers practical guidance and insights to empower participants to excel in academia. Combining personal development with essential skills and knowledge, the workshops are immersive and research-based, including in-person, virtual sessions, and oneon-one coaching. Throughout the programme, participants will have the opportunity to hear from academic leaders from within UL and learn about their career journeys.
Workshop 1. Your Academic Leadership Strategy
Consider where you are at now and get clarity on where you want to go.
Workshop 2 – Knowing Yourself – Drivers and Saboteurs (Half-day, In Person )
Explore personal drivers, strengths, and time management to align individual
goals and career aspirations. -
Focus on clarifying your message and what you want to be known for professionally.
Workshop 3 Building your Leadership Presence (Half-day, In Person )
- Introducing Leadership Presence
- Establishing Your Presence as a Leader in Your Field
- Raising Your Profile as a Leader in Your Field
Workshop 4 Maintaining Focus (Half-day, Virtual session)
- Develop tools and strategies to enhance persistence, resilience, and self-leadership.
- Explore frameworks for overcoming setbacks, enhancing interpersonal relationships.
- Harness support from mentors and colleagues.
To further support participants, following completion of module 4, there will be a one-to-one coaching session for each person.
Individuals can be supported on challenges or topics of importance to them that were touched on in the previous workshops. It is also an opportunity to plan and build momentum for next steps in their academic journey.
UL has a strong record of employing mentors to support the development of academic staff. Please see the Mentoring website and contact the HR Talent Development team for further information.
Course Category: Talent Development
Who is this workshop for? Academics - Assistant Professors
How long is this workshop? 2 Hours
How many times a year do we run this workshop? Once a year, in line with the progression calendar.
How is this workshop delivered? Online
Who delivers the workshop? The Provost, Deans and contributors from across the University.
What will be covered? Overview
These briefing sessions will provide advice on the process of progressions/promotions within the university and the application process.
How do I book? For details of upcoming training opportunities see our events calendar UL Connect or to book your next course email HRtalentdevelopment@ul.ie
Course Category: Talent Development
Who is this workshop for? Academics - Associate Professor B
How long is this workshop? 2 Hours
How many times a year do we run this workshop? Once a year, inline with the promotion calendar
How is this workshop delivered? Online
Who delivers the workshop? The Provost, Deans and contributors from across the University.
What will be covered? Overview
These briefing sessions will provide advice on the process of progressions/promotions within the university and the application process.
How do I book? For details of upcoming training opportunities see our events calendar UL Connect or to book your next course email HRtalentdevelopment@ul.ie
This programme is aimed at early to mid-career stage academic women at Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Research Fellow level primarily. The workshops will focus on creating a clear career vision, and the steps needed to move towards this goal.
It is an excellent programme facilitated by Dr Maeve Lankford with inputs from UL guest speakers who share their own personal career journeys with the group. The programme also provides for one to one coaching which participants find invaluable.
This programme consists of 4 X 3.5 hour workshops and a 1.5hr one to one coaching session.
Provides basis for you to develop a strong CV for adaptation to your preferred career path. Builds strategy around career development.
Please note that break out rooms will be used during the workshop and you will be asked to share your CV in small groups as part of a Peer Review exercise.
Find out more about the Mentoring supports available here.
To find out more about any of these training opportunities see our Training Programmes and Schedule | University of Limerick , join the HRTalentDevelopment space on ULConnect or email hrtalentdevelopment@ul.ie