The University is committed to ensuring that all employees are enabled to achieve their full potential through progressive development policies and practices.
The Talent Development Section is an integral part of the University's Human Resources Division. Our aim is to support the University's strategic plan by delivering focused training and talent development solutions to all employees that will enable a high performing organisation. A further aim is to ensure the most effective use of the talents, skills and abilities of our employees by supporting employees to maximise the contribution they can make. The Talent Development Section aims to foster close relationships with academic and administrative departments to support them in achieving their objectives.
The Talent Development Section has responsibility for designing and delivering the annual Corporate Learning & Development Plan within the University, aligned with the strategic goals of the University and in support of development needs as identified under the Performance & Development Review System (PDRs). This programme of training and development activities for the personal and professional development of all employees is available under Training Programmes. Employees may apply for a place on advertised courses, workshops and Lunch & Learn Soundbytes by emailing hrtalentdevelopment@ul.ie or by contacting any member of the team.
Alison O'Regan, Head of Talent Development . Ph. + 353 61 213074. alison.oregan@ul.ie
Aoife Corrigan, Executive Administrator Talent Development. aoife.corrigan@ul.ie
Frances Murphy, Senior Talent Development Specialist. Ph. + 353 61 234347. frances.murphy@ul.ie
Marguerite Leen, Senior Talent Development Specialist. marguerite.leen@ul.ie
Michelle Noonan, Talent Development Administrator. michelle.noonan@ul.ie