1. Please ensure you are looking at the employee dashboard if you are also an acting manager in UL:
2. From here navigate to the ‘My Time’ tab on the left hand side:
3. Select ‘Book Time Off’ from the dashboard:
4. From this screen you can select the start and end dates of your leave, (or if it is to be a
½ day)
a. You can also add any comments you want your manager to see in relation to this leave, please note the comments are not mandatory.


Approving/rejecting a leave request

1. On logging in to Core Portal you will land on the Manager Dashboard. Navigate to the Approvals tab on the left hand side:
2. All leave requests will be visible here. (Please note it often takes up to 15 minutes for these to appear. If your direct report submits a request it may not appear instantly).
3. By selecting the View button on the right hand side you can either approve or reject the request.
4. Please tick the confirmation box before approving or rejecting the request.
Once approved, the following notification appears
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