The Delegation facility in Core Portal allows Managers the ability to delegate their team’s leave requests to another Manager in their absence. The delegation functionality allows Managers to delegate the approval or rejection of leave requests currently assigned to them to another Manager for a defined date range.

An example of a typical delegation scenario would be if the Manager of Work Group A was out of office on Annual Leave, and needed to allow his / her team’s leave requests to be processed as normal. Manager A would route the leave requests of his / her team to another manager, e.g. Manager B.

The delegation facility can be found on the Manager Dashboard of Core Portal and this facility allows a Manager to delegate their leave requests to another Manager for a specified period of time.

To have the delegation widget added to your managerial dashboard, please contact

1. Go to ‘Dashboards’ and then select the Manager Dashboard
2. Select ‘My Team’ and then select ‘Add Delegation’
3. A pop up window will appear as shown below:
5. For annual leave, select ‘Org Role’
6. Delegate To: Select the person who should be delegated to, you can type the Manager’s name and their details should begin to populate. Then select the Manager’s name that you require.
7. From Date: Select the start date of the delegation
8. To Date: Select the end date of the delegation
9. Reason: Enter a description / reason for the delegation
10. Checkbox: Tick the authorisation checkbox
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