Course Details

Professional Development
For Whom:
In person - Location to be confirmed
09.30 - 13.00
Maeve Lankford
Half day

Course Overview

  • Knowing where You Want to Get to

Clarity of direction is the starting point of all successful achievement.  We’ll begin by getting clear on the outcomes you want in your life and career

  • Mindset Reset – developing a Success Mindset

Creating a success mindset that supports you in the outcomes you want to achieve

  • Being Strategic

With the support of our Guest Speaker, we’ll identify the things that you most need to do to support your career goals.  Being clear on these and giving them the priority they deserve is a game changer

  • Being Proactive

We’ll look at tools and strategies to support you in best managing your time and energy to support successful achievement of the results you want

  • Developing Your Reputation and Brand

Making sure you are communicating who and what you stand for and that the right people are noticing.

  • Gaining Confidence and Support


To book a place, please email 

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