Course Details

For Whom:
13h00 - 14h00 with light lunch served from 12h45
Dr. Sarah Hudson
1 hour

Course Overview

Dr Sarah Hudson, Department of Chemical Sciences, Bernal Institute, University of Limerick

Sarah has been a lecturer in Chemistry in the Department of Chemical Sciences in the University of Limerick since November 2011. Before this, she did postdoctoral research work in Waterford Institute of Technology (2009-2011) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (20006-2008). She originally studied Chemistry in Trinity College Dublin where she was a Foundation Scholar and did a research masters with Professor John Kelly. She did her PhD in biocatalysis with Prof Edmond Magner in the University of Limerick (2003-2006). Her research interests are in manipulating the solution and solid-state behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients with particular emphasis on biologicals. She currently is working on targeting antimicrobial resistant bacteria as this is one of the largest threats to global health today.

Sarah has received over 2.5 million euros in funding over the past 10 years through an EU Marie Curie Fellowship, an SFI Career Development Award, and an SFI Infrastructure Award. She has a h-index of 12 with over 1200 citations and 27 Web of Science publications. She is also a funded investigator in the Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre. Her current research group is based in the Bernal Institute in UL and consists of 9 PhD students and 1 postdoctoral researcher. She lectures in general, physical and environmental chemistry to undergraduate students.


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