Course Details

Professional Development
Run by:
Human Resources
For Whom:
Support Staff
09.30 to 13.00
Optima Training
2 x half days

Course Objectives/Outcomes

The Introduction to Project Management course objectives are to

  • give you practical experience of key project management tools and techniques.
  • introduce a project management approach that is structured yet flexible.

At the end of the training course you will:

  • be able to describe a standard project life-cycle and project constraints.
  • be able to adapt a set of standard templates and more for use with your own project.
  • have a draft set of project documentation that you can use as the basis for your project planning on your return to work

The course is led by an experienced project manager and trainer and will use a variety of approaches during the class including presentations, discussion groups, and group exercises.


To book a place, please email Please send your request accompanied by your line Manager’s/Head of Department’s approval to clearly stating your department’s cost centre details

Cancellation Policy

48hrs notice required

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