Family Law
The award of pensions and other superannuation benefits in respect of the Scheme are governed by statutory superannuation schemes made under the Superannuation Acts, Statutory Instruments and Administrative Circulars governing the conditions of employment of staff of the University. These superannuation provisions are of general application and departure from them in individual cases is not permissible in the absence of a Pension Adjustment Order (PAO) by the Court.
In the event of Divorce or Judicial Separation, a member’s retirement and death benefits under the Scheme could be affected by certain provisions of Family Law Acts. In some cases, a Pensions Adjustment Order (PAO) may be issued by the Family Law Court, directing the Trustees of a Scheme to split a member's pension benefits and/or death benefits between the member and a former Spouse/Civil Partner.
Should you be required to provide information to a Solicitor regarding Family Law issues, in the first instance you should provide your latest annual benefit statement together with a copy of the Scheme Booklet.
The following basic information may also be required:
Formal Title:
For members appointed prior to 1 January 2013 - University of Limerick Superannuation Scheme 1982 (Pensions Authority scheme number PB43782)
For members appointed after 1 January 2013 - Single Public Service Pension Scheme (Pensions Authority scheme number PB275744).
The Scheme is a non-funded scheme; therefore, a Trust Deed does not exist. For the purposes of the Family Law and other legislation, the officials who administer the scheme are deemed to be the Trustees.
If you have further questions regarding Family Law, you should contact the Pensions Office. Please ensure that you quote your Staff Number in all correspondence.
Family Law Legislation:
The Family Law Act 1995 and the Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996 address the issue of judicial separation and divorce. The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 deals with the dissolution of Civil Partnerships and matters relating to Qualified Cohabitants. The Pension Authority provides a guide in respect of these Acts. Copies can be obtained from the Pensions Authority (01) 6131900, www.pensionsauthority.ie.
Further information on PAOs
Further information about the operation and impact of Pension Adjustment Orders may be obtained from the Pensions Authority website or by contacting them directly at:
The Pensions Authority
Verschoyle House
28/30 Lower Mount Street
Dublin 2
D02 KX27