I wish to be Garda Vetted but have lived abroad for over 6months, where can I find the International Police Clearance Forms?

These can be found by clicking into:


Where can I find the Departmental Inspection Schedule

This is updated every academic year and can be found by clicking on this link

Who do I report accidents to?

All accidents must be reported immediately to your Supervisor/Head of Department. They will then investigate the cause of the accident and complete the accident report form. The completed accident report form should then be forwarded to the University safety officer.


Where would I find a copy of the University Safety Statement?

A hard copy of the University Safety Statement is available from each Head of Department. An electronic copy can also be found on the Health & Safety Webpage.


What is a Local Safety Statement?

A local Safety Statement is a document, unique to each University department, which provides a framework for the organisation of safety throughout the department.  It contains guidelines for those personnel delegated safety duties, policies, procedures and risk assessments. Local Safety Statements should be used in conjunction with the University Safety Statement.

Where can I find information about General Health and Safety Issues

Information relating to general Health & Safety can be found on the Health & Safety Webpage.


Where are Defibrillators located on campus?

The Location of all defibrillators available across campus is listed on the Health & Safety Webpage, link below.


Who do I contact if I want to enquire about Health and Safety Training?

Health & Safety training queries can be directed to lynda.osullivan@ul.ie or grainne.ocarroll@ul.ie or claire.frawley@ul.ie

Health and Safety training is held throughout the year and includes courses such as Occupational First Aid, Manual Handling, Chemical Agent Risk Assessment, Evacuation chair training etc.

Further information on training courses can be found at Health&SafetyTraining

If I have a health and safety issue who do I contact?

If you feel that there is a health and safety issue in your area or anywhere on campus, please contact your supervisor or head of department.

Who should I call in the event of an emergency?

In the event of an emergency dial 999 or 112.  For internal Campus Emergencies, the internal emergency number should be called immediately on 061(213333). A full list of Emergency Contact numbers can be accessed by clicking on the link below

Emergency Contact Numbers

What is a PEEP?

A PEEP is defined as a Personal Emergency Egress Plan for mobility impaired staff and students. Staff and students with a mobility disability must develop their own individual evacuation plans and identify their primary and secondary evacuation routes from each building they use. For assistance with developing the PEEP, please contact your supervisor or the Health & Safety Unit.

Is Out-of-Hours Access allowed?

Out-of-Hours Access varies across departments; please see local policies and procedures relevant to your department.

You should never work out-of-hours in the university, especially where tasks include operation of equipment or hazardous substances. In all cases, get prior approval from your supervisor or Head of Department. Carry out a risk assessment of the proposed work, ensure the necessary protective and preventative measures are in place and comply with the relevant local policies and procedures. You should also be familiar with the relevant fire and any other out-of-hour’s emergency procedures.

What is a special case hazardous substance?

Special Case Hazardous Substances are those that are classified as being as very dangerous to users (i.e. carcinogens, mutagens). If risks associated with using these substances are not properly managed, health can be harmed in a variety of ways. Detailed information on the Control of Special Case Hazardous Substances can be found by clicking on the link below.

Control of Special Case Hazardous Substances

Are Pets Allowed in UL Buildings?

Pets or other similar animals (except guide dogs, see below) are not allowed inside University buildings as they can affect safe working practices and the health and safety of staff and students. The main risks associated with animals in the workplace are: hygiene, noise, nuisance, risk of bites or scratches, allergies and property damage.

Staff, students and visitors who require the assistance of a guide dog may bring their dog onto University premises.

What is the University's Policy on smoking?

Smoking of cigarettes or the use of electronic cigarettes is prohibited within University buildings as outlined in the Going Smoke Free Policy. It is recognised that E-cigarettes are not risk free products and their potential as a cessation aid is still unclear. There is also a concern that they may re-normalise smoking. Please note the signs throughout the campus for Smoke and Vape free zones.

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