Personal health cover from HSF health plan gives you cash towards a range of every day health care costs. HSF cash plans cost from as little as 31c a day. A small price to pay for real peace of mind.
Health cash plan benefits can cover:
Dental, Optical (including eye laser treatment), General Practitioner, Emergency Department, Prescriptions, Birth Grants, Adoption Grants, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Homoeopathy, Chiropody/Podiatry, Specialist Consultations, X-rays, Pathology Tests, Allergy Testing, Health Screening, Many Other Investigations, Hospital General, Hospital Accident, Hospital Elderly Care, Hospital Mental Illness, Hospice, Recuperation, Day Case Surgery and Treatment, Surgical Appliances, Hearing Aids, Personal Injury, Permanent Disability, Temporary Disability, Fracture Benefit, Accidental Death.
Please go to HSF for further details on health cash plans.
Please complete the application form and return to:
Ellen Keegan, HR Officer, Pensions, Human Resources Division University of Limerick