The Online Recruitment Pack (ORP) process has replaced paper based recruitment forms and facilitates the creation of all recruitment packs online. The ORP drives the required approval process and its reporting functionality provides details on all packs created. Only recruitment packs created online are accepted by the HR Recruitment team.
Access the HR Online Recruitment Packs - Home (sharepoint.com)
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The University recognises that working in a blended way can have benefits for both individual employees and the University.
Employees interested in blended working should have an initial discussion with their line manager to assess suitability of their role for blended working. Following this discussion, employees can fill out the application form for approval in accordance with the Policy and Procedure for Blended Working.
Refer to Blending Working Policy and Procedure for further information.
Access the Blended Working Application here
Retaining Access to IT Systems – Approval Process
University Policy:
Any persons leaving employment in the University of Limerick (UL) will not retain access to UL systems, including an @ul.ie email address.
Background to Policy:
There are significant risks associated with providing continued access to email and systems for individuals who are no longer employed at UL. These risks relate to cyber security, data protection, records management and risk of data loss.
On the basis of advice from our insurance brokers and auditors, we are obliged to mitigate against any and all such risks to the University.
Exceptions Process under the following limited circumstances:
Where a member of staff who in leaving the University wishes to continue to undertake / complete research or other specified UL work, ongoing access to their @ul.ie email account may be approved for a period of up to 12 months.
The approval of the direct line manager is required.
The maximum term of any extension period is 12 months.
How to Apply
Option 1: If you have an active @ul.ie account, apply through the online application process at https://ulcampus.sharepoint.com/sites/ITAccountExtensions”
Option 2: If your @ul.ie account has already expired then you need to complete the application form to access IT Systems
Option 3: If you require temporary access (14 days) to your UL email account to retrieve specific personal information, please complete and return this form.
The Partner Access Management System (PAMS) will manage the creation and renewal of ID Cards and UL email accounts for non-UL employees. Managers should request ID Cards and/or @UL email accounts for their new staff members online using Microsoft’s SharePoint and PowerApps workflows. All existing non-UL staff should use PAMS to renew their access every 12 months. The end date for ID Cards and @UL email accounts are synchronized with reminders issued to managers 30 days in advance.
To access the system click here
To access the Partner list click here
To access support documentation click here
The University introduced a Job Sizing/Job Evaluation framework, based on an established Job Evaluation/Job Sizing method developed by Korn Ferry Hay Group (formerly known as the Hay Group).
Job Sizing/Job Evaluation is a process of job analysis, assessment, and comparison, concerned with the demands of the job, such as the skills, qualifications, knowledge and understanding, experience and the responsibility required to carry out the job. It is a process that seeks to objectively measure the different elements of a job by attaching a score to each element, resulting in a total score for each job.
Job Sizing will take place in the following circumstances:
• When a new role is being created (temporary or permanent) with a duration of more than one year.
• Where a vacancy arises in a role that has not been re-sized or gone through a job evaluation process in the last four years.*
• Where any changes are being made to an existing role that has become vacant.*
• There is a re-structuring or re-organisation of tasks and duties within a team/department/school.
*Roles that are temporarily filled to replace a substantive postholder will not be resized / evaluated while the substantive postholder is temporarily out of the post.
Job Evaluation is applicable when both the following are true:
1. The current incumbent has served 4 years in the post being put forward for evaluation.
2. The role being put forward for evaluation has not been sized in the last 4 years.
The 2023 call for Job Evaluation is currently closed. Check back soon for updates on the 2024 call for applications. For any queries, please contact jobevaluation@ul.ie.
Access to UL HR Job Sizing & Job Evaluation Homepage.
Access HR Job Evaluation & Sizing Application Support Documents.